In the world of weight loss, there is a lot of focus on the finish line – that moment when we reach our ideal weight – but a lot of people miss the fact that there is an important transition that happens when we reach our ideal weight. We call it weight maintenance.

In episode 44 of the Thin Thinking Podcast, I interviewed Alice Murydian, a busy business owner who was able to release 18 pounds with the shift weight mastery process and achieved her ideal weight. We talked about her journey towards her transition in maintaining her ideal weight – the thrill of that, and the fears and the mental and physical journey she is embarking upon.

If you struggle in being confident in maintaining your ideal weight, then, this podcast episode is for you. Learn and be motivated as you hear the wonderful and educational story of Alice Murydian.

This week and through January 18th I am enrolling the new Self-Guided Shift Weight Mastery Process–learn more about the $100 discount and over $800 in bonuses when you enroll before January 18th 2022.

In This Episode, You'll Learn:

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Rita Black: In the world of weight loss, there is a lot of focus on the finish line that moment when we reach our ideal weight. But what about the mental and physical journey that begins when this ideal weight happens. In today's Thin Thinking Podcast, I interview Alice Murydian who released 18 pounds with the shift weight mastery process in spite of being a busy business owner and she achieved her ideal weight. We talked about the thrill of that, but also the fears and the mental and physical journey she is embarking upon and to find a new life at her ideal weight, what we call maintenance and to feel confident there. Because this is something that a lot of people have struggled with - is feeling confident maintaining their ideal weight. So join us for this inspiring and educational episode. Come on in.

Rita Black: Did you know that our struggle with weight doesn't start with the food on your plate or get fixed in the gym? 80% of our weight struggle is mental. That's right, the key to unlocking long-term weight release and management begins in your mind. Hi there, I'm Rita Black. I'm a clinical hypnotherapist, weight loss expert, best-selling author, and the creator of the Shift Weight Mastery Process. And not only have I helped thousands of people over the past 20 years achieve long-term weight mastery, I am also a former weight struggler, carb addict, and binge eater. And after two decades of failed diets and fad weight loss programs, I lost 40 pounds with the help of hypnosis. Not only did I release all that weight, I have kept it off for 25 years. Enter the Thin Thinking Podcast where you too will learn how to remove the mental roadblocks that keep you struggling. I'll give you the thin thinking tools, skills, and insights to help you develop the mindset you need. Not only to achieve your ideal weight, but to stay there long-term and live your best life. Sound good. Let's get started.

Rita Black: Well, hello, come on in. And I hope that all of our friends in colder climates are staying warm. This is the dark cold hibernation time. I am watching this wonderful nature episode on bears. The copy for it is not the best. It's kind of simplistic, but oh my gosh, it is so fascinating. So I think about it because I think about weight mastery a little bit. So they follow this young female bear. She's newly pregnant and she's trying to, I don't think she knows she's pregnant. I mean, I don't know how you know if you're a bear, if you're pregnant. But anyway, that shows her, she's kind of skinny at the beginning of the salmon season, you know, know the autumn, like before the bears hibernate, right? And they're like, she's got to find a, you know, she's got to figure out how to catch the salmon in order to fatten up for the winter. Otherwise these two eggs that are fertilized in her don't get implanted. Isn't that amazing? Like, so the body of the bear is so in tune, like if she doesn't get enough weight, if she doesn't have enough body fat on her, those two bear, you know, babies will not implant and therefore not grow.

Rita Black: So anyway, they cut to her, you know, she finally figures out how to catch the salmon as they would in the documentary nature style. And then they, I cut to her like, like so much heavier. I was like, what happened? And then the guy says, oh, those salmon that she's eating are 5,000 calories each. I laughed so hard cause I was like, yeah, everybody's eating salmon and thinking, okay, well, you know, this is healthy and this is light, but the salmon, you know, I love salmon, but I was just like, wow, 5,000 calories. That's a lot. So anyway, she fattened up on that salmon and then they showed her hibernating in her cave. So they must have had some little camera cause she was like deep asleep and this was a grizzly bear guys. I'm so afraid of bears. So I was like, how did you get that close to a bear? Anyway. What blew my mind? You know, having given birth to two children myself was that these babies grew inside of her and they show, they actually showed the cubs inside of her, like growing. I don't know how they did this, you know, I'm like, again, odd. But anyway, they cut to these baby bears being born. They don't show the actual birth, but I was like, what happened? This mother bear is still fast asleep in deep hibernation and these babies were born. So could you imagine giving birth to a child? Like, you know, those of you who have done that, out there listening to this, you know, and just waking up and going, oh, the baby's born and is sucking on my breast. What? So this bear wakes up two months later and her little, teeny, tiny cubs are now like kind of cub-sized. And she's like, wow, look at that. I have two baby cubs. That's pretty mind blowing. You know, it was just, I, I was like, is this for real? I couldn't believe it.

Rita Black: Anyway. I, I hope you're chuckling along with me because that was pretty mind blowing anyway. So that reminded me of the hibernation. And we all go into hibernation mode in January and February. And, but not like that, man. I don't sleep very well, so God, I wish I could sleep like that. Oh, there's my two children. They were just born and I they're now five years old and ready to go to kindergarten. Awesome. I miss all of their bratty, terrible two. How fantastic is that now? Anyway, just kidding. I loved my children's younger years, but oh, that's hard work.

Rita Black: Anyway, there are only a few days left to enroll in the shift weight mastery self-study process. Yes I am offering a, self-study says right now, um, you can enroll and do the 30-day process, but you can do it in your own timeframe. There's a preparation part to the process that you can take a month to do. You can not do it right now, but do it later. And then a 30-day process that has hypnosis and coaching and meditation. And it's really designed to give you a deep mind shift, melt the, you know, mental barriers that get in the way of your being successful on the weight loss journey or weight, what we call weight release journey and really learn how to love yourself down the scale. So check it out. The links are in and you can save a hundred dollars and there are some super cool bonuses thrown in there as well.

Rita Black: All right. So now I want to introduce my guest Alice Murydian, who is a professional stylist here in LA. She has her own business. She and is also the mother and wife, who is, and she's running a family. And in this episode, we dive into how she's shifted her mindset to release 15 pounds because she is a super busy business owner. But we also explore her transition that she's in now of maintaining her weight, which can be a really vulnerable time for people. So, you know, we reach our ideal weight and then that is the focus of the diet world, lose the weight. But reaching maintenance is a whole new journey, both mentally and physically, many people aren't really prepared for that journey. And so they begin to gain the weight back. So check out today's episode. I hope you enjoy it. Please welcome Alice.

Rita Black: So welcome Alice and so great to have you on.

Alice Murydian: Thank you.

Rita Black: And happy new year.

Alice Murydian: Happy new year.

Rita Black: It's 2022. I, are you looking forward to an exciting new year?

Alice Murydian: I am. It's my special number. 22.

Rita Black: How is that your special number?

Alice Murydian: Well, I was born on the 22nd and it's just come up a lot over the years. I see it often. It's like, yeah, it's just like my special sync number.

Rita Black: I love it. So I know you and I, before I turned on record, we're talking about Los Angeles and all these different things and you came to me, I know, you found me through, one of my other programs, but, you know, here in Los Angeles, we're so focused on health. And I don't know if you've noticed this. I have mentioned this before, like with trader Joe's and the grocery stores, but like around like a holiday season, I don't know if it's like this where you live, up in your part of the world in Los Angeles, but you know, during the holidays, all the chocolates, the baked goods and everything are out in the grocery store. And now that it's transitioning into the new year's, all those products are gone and now it's all the diet products, right? It's all the protein drinks. It's all the, you know, kale and, you know, diet products, the Atkins bars and the ...

Alice Murydian: The lemon juice and the maple syrup

Rita Black: Lemon juice, the master cleanse and all the stuff that people are gonna like now. And everybody's doing a dry January and everyone is going into this penitent mode, you know, after like being super decadent over the holidays. So I, what I love about your journey that you've been on with weight mastery is you've taken off, you know, a significant amount of weight, but for you, you know, you were never super overweight, but what you've been doing is maintaining and finding that place that is just right for you. And in addition to having a very busy life and, you know, and the fact that you, you do eat a pretty healthy, not completely vegetarian or vegan, but you know, very plant-based diet. So, I'm just was curious, you know, for our listeners to hear your story. So what made you, like, where were you at when you decided you needed a different approach? Because here we are at the new year's, everybody's like, you know, what diet do I go on? I mean, literally do I do weight Watchers? Do I do? And it's all about doing versus being, so I, I wonder, like what, what kind of place you got to to make you make a decision to try something new and what were you struggling with?

Alice Murydian: So, I guess for me, I had been through all the, you know, the healthy ways to eat, the cleanses and all of that stuff. And, it would always leave me very frustrated cause I would be like, I'm eating all the right things. And the weight won't come down or it's not consistent, or I couldn't maintain it, or it just, I think I, I was in denial thinking that what I was doing was I was entitled to a certain result when I wasn't really following the science. I just basically knew what was right and wrong, good and bad.

Rita Black: Right.

Alice Murydian: And I was trying to be the good.

Rita Black: Right.

Alice Murydian: But it wasn't producing the results. So I was in a very frustrated place.

Rita Black: Can I just interrupt you and say for our audience to be clear because Alice is lovely and she, you know, when she says she was frustrated, you know, this woman has you, you were, like you said, you had been on a vegan, you had done raw, you had done a lot of what I see a lot of clients doing, which are like very healthy regimes, like eating way more purely than I have, you know. I remember being, I did macro, I think I was the only person I ever knew that gained weight on a macrobiotic diet. But I managed to do that, you know, like I, I would go in the, these super healthy regimes, but at the end of the day, I would gain weight or not lose weight and like yourself be frustrated. So, you were kind of in the cycle of trying to be good. And, I think the focus these days is on super healthy and being good versus figuring out what works for you and...

Alice Murydian: Right, right. And, and what happened is I started telling myself stories that my body was broken. I had hormonal issues. Something's wrong. It's my thyroid. You know? And, and I just didn't wanna accept the fact that I simply was eating too many calories for, and that that's one of the things that I appreciate is just, you just made it so simple and plain like, yeah.

Rita Black: Well, I think, I think there's a simplicity in our approach, but it's all from a cognitive perspective. I think if somebody just said, look at what you're eating and now many calories you're eating. I think that can still be a diet mindset. And I think a lot of people, when they think about tracking calories, they think of like, oh my God, that's a diet mindset. And I, you know, don't wanna track calories cause calories equals, you know, dieting or diet or, or I think we have this like 1960s and seventies versions of the woman eating lettuce leaves and you know, restricting calories and versus looking at energy and looking at that our bodies are finite, things that burn a certain amount of energy. And when you start to really get clear on what your body needs on a daily basis and leveraging your energy, you can really wait at a rate, you decide, and it's powerful. And, but you're using your mind like an inner scientist, not like a Ddeter. So I think that's the distinction I wanna make for people. And what you're talking about is like, you become a scientist and you look at the data versus like being a dieter and looking at the lettuce leaf .

Alice Murydian: Yeah. That shift is really important. And it made a big difference for me because when I was reading your book and I read the whole part about the calorie counting, you should have seen how my eyes rolled. Oh, I was like, oh no, I wasn't ready to throw your book across

Rita Black: Oh, well, my book has been thrown across the wall, but I know, and it's very hard. I cannot tell you how that's the biggest hump people get over. And yet when they get to the other side of it, and they actually start applying it from a cognitive perspective. What do you get? I mean, you got some clarity, right?

Alice Murydian: Yes, absolutely. It's like, what you really want is what you're resisting. So just, you know, figure it out.

Rita Black: Well, so, so you, be, you started with my book, is that what happened?

Alice Murydian: Yeah. I don't know if I actually completed it, but I got through a lot of it. And then I found out that you were introducing the, the shift. So I was like, you know, I think I'm gonna need some guidance and help cause I just didn't have, it's like I wanted to do it right. I was feeling that right-wrong mentality. And I thought, okay, if I, if I do it with people and she guides me, then I'll make sure I'll do it. Right.

Rita Black: Right. Yeah. I mean, and sometimes I think our, I mean, I know you work really hard during the day, you've got a family, sitting down and reading a book sometimes is the last thing that you wanna do. I don't think I've read any fiction since I've given birth to my children. And that was, you know, my son is 16, so that's alot.

Alice Murydian: I can relate,

Rita Black: I listen to audibles. I can do that, but I fall asleep. Like, I'll start reading something. I'll be like, you know, so. Well, cool. So you kind of, you started to feel like you were in this frustration, a frustrating place. And what did you think about the hypnosis? Like what attracted you to like making a shift in your thinking? Not, you know, not just calories, but just like, what about your mindset and you know, how we get into this idea of like the inner coach and being in an apprentice? Like what for you resonated with that?

Alice Murydian: Well, prior to the hypnosis, I understood that the weight was a subconscious programming and I needed to find a way to get through the back door to, to change some beliefs around food. So that's why I was attracted to the system that you created because it covered not just a food aspect of it, which is so little compared to the cognitive part of it.

Rita Black: Right.

Alice Murydian: You know, so yes, I was very excited and I was very consistent with the hypnosis and the morning meditation during the first 30 days for sure.

Rita Black: Awesome. Yeah. And I think that the reasoning behind any sort of like morning meditation, I, regardless of my program is our mind is the freshest in the morning. And that's the best time to really think things through and use your mind effectively. And I think, that's why we designed it like that. But for anybody just listening to this, I think you can focus your mind in the morning. The morning is the most important time. So as you were going through the process, like, and as you were releasing weight, what, you know, what were the things that you did to set yourself up for success? I mean, Alice is a hairdresser and stylist and you're very busy in your life. And I think for a lot of us and a lot of you guys listening to this, you probably are busy people and here we are heading into the new year. And, I know a lot of people plan to do good on a diet, but guess what gets in the way life gets in the way. Your jobs are busy, your kids need stuff and, and those things get thrown to the side. So Alice, what for you, you know, like what kind of actions did you take? How did you set yourself up? Because I think I have a lot of, I think I mentioned to you earlier, people who are in the service industry, like yourself who are busy on their feet, have clients book back to back, how do you fit in self care in your day and make it work for you?

Alice Murydian: Well, I'll tell you, when you taught about showing up for yourself and being there, being your coach that really hit home for me Rita. It's, I really understood it on a deeper level and I decided, you know, I have to first love and care for me before I can love and care for other people. So, that really clicked and I was able to go, okay, how can I show up for myself? How can I be there? What is it gonna look like for me? And, planning ahead, like I learned, thinking ahead, taking the time to plan, really made a difference. I would, on my days off I would, soak my beans. I would pre-cook stuff in my pressure cooker. I would pre-measure put in the freezer. I would have things that would be easy for me to throw a meal together.

Rita Black: Right. That's smart.

Alice Murydian: So, and it put the control in my hands, cause I didn't have to be at the mercy of whatever was available or ordering out. I don't know how much oil they put in the food, you know. I realized that oil was 120 calories per tablespoon. I'm like, I can even have potato for that calories, you know?

Rita Black: Right, right. Did your people around you support you as well in, in your, the changes you were making?

Alice Murydian: Well, interestingly enough, I hadn't said anything to my family. But my daughter, all of a sudden started catching on and she started tracking. And she started losing weight with me.

Rita Black: Oh, how cool is that?

Alice Murydian: Yeah. So, and she's maintaining the same way I am.

Rita Black: That is so awesome. How long have you been maintaining now for?

Alice Murydian: I reached my goal sort of mid-September. So I guess a couple months, right?

Rita Black: Yeah.

Alice Murydian: We're in January now. So it's it's long.

Rita Black: Yeah. It's been like January, February, March. Well, no, sorry. September, October, November, December. Yeah. Few like almost, third of the year. And your daughter was, it was in board with you that's, that's lovely that you were kind of getting healthy together.

Alice Murydian: Yeah.

Alice Murydian: So she was happy to eat what you were serving.

Alice Murydian: Oh, she loves it. She loves whatever I make. She loves it.

Rita Black: You didn't really change the, like a lot of, did you change a lot of the content of what you were yeah. Who's in your household right now? Like who were you making meals for?

Alice Murydian: My husband and my daughter. So the content hasn't changed a whole lot. Slightly the structure has changed because now I understand to maximize my calories. Before I would be like, oh, this goes with this. And this goes with this. I can add a little bit of that. And now, now I'm like stinging with my calories. I'm like, no, I don't really need that. It's not gonna add that much. You know what I mean?

Rita Black: Yeah. I mean, well, I think when you start looking at food from, and correct me if I'm wrong, that you're, you're what you are talking about. It's not really stinginess, but you are, it's kind of like energy is like a money you and you wanna make a good purchase. And that a little goes a long way a lot of times with our pleasure, you know. I think there's something in the shift. We talk about the three-bite rule. Like you don't need a lot in order to get optimal pleasure from something. Ultimately in our culture where, you know, we think, oh, I have to eat this big serving in order to get the maximum value, which isn't true. So I think what you're talking about is stinginess is just really being mindful and, and really asking yourself like how much pleasure is that going to give me? And there's I think different values. I mean, how do you learn? Like have you noticed how, when you start to get really mindful about food, that your idea of pleasure with food changes?

Alice Murydian: Yeah, it's true. It's true. I, I have learned to receive pleasure from actually or nourishing foods versus something that's sugary and fried or, you know what I mean?

Rita Black: Yeah, I do. And I think you start to appreciate foods that nourish you and stabilize you and allow you not to think about food. Like there's a lot of those more addictive foods than you eat it and you maybe get a minute or two of pleasure, but then now you feel bad and now you physically are hungry sooner and you're thinking about food more. So you pay a price for those foods above and beyond, like what momentary pleasure. So you could you, yeah. So, so I'd like that, how you kind of revalued, the food in your life and how you, you know, put different pleasures on different levels and are making that work for you. How about the holidays? Like, you know, as like the Thanksgiving holiday, what, did you notice a difference in that from the prior year?

Alice Murydian: Yeah. Um, I think so. I definitely more mindful, more aware. I've never been a huge, like gorgeous during Thanksgiving or holidays, so it wasn't a huge issue. And this year we, we got a invited to my nephew's and he didn't do traditional at all. He ordered out from the middle Eastern restaurant.

Rita Black: Oh, wow.

Alice Murydian: But it was, it was easy in the sense that there was things that I kind of knew at an idea, like grape leaves and it wasn't super difficult to manage.

Rita Black: Right. Well, good. So, and, and, and are you, what would you say for somebody who's never used hypnosis before? Like what do you like about hypnosis or what do you think has been impactful for you?

Alice Murydian: The visualization, I would say has been huge. Having that guide to kind of take me there into deep relaxation and then into my happy place, I call it ... what I've created is better than what anybody else .

Rita Black: Oh, good. Awesome. I love it.

Alice Murydian: So it just, it's a fun place so I enjoy going. And then I like seeing on the screen, what, what projecting, what, where I wanna go.

Rita Black: Right.

Alice Murydian: It's like a fun game for me. So I really enjoy that. And I love the visualization. I love feeling what it feels like to be in my future self. And, so I've enjoyed that and I, I feel that it's very effective and also the one where you have us go in, this was my favorite. You go, have us go into that room where you shut tthings off.

Rita Black: The dials,

Alice Murydian: The dials. I love that one.

Rita Black: A lot of people really like that one. It is a good one. Well, so what now I know one of the things, as you were releasing weight, you posted pictures of how great you looked in some outfits. Has that been fun for you to be able to like wear clothes again? Did you buy new clothes or did you just like get out clothes that you hadn't worn in a while?

Alice Murydian: Yeah, I, I got out clothes. I hadn't worn in a while. Uh, I mean, I bought a few new things, but mostly it was fun to go back and go, I fit in this again.

Rita Black: That is super fun. I know. It's like we have these wardrobes that we rediscover, you know, Andrea who's in our monthly mastery course. She is like doing a modeling show every week of all these clothes that she's, you know, hasn't worn in a very long time and she's got an amazing wardrobe. So it's like a it's, it's super fun to have people do their modeling of stuff that they are in town. Are there now? Is there any, anything you want to, like if somebody, you know, we have this audience of people who, you know, are in that place where they're, you know, questioning, like, how do I make the best choices for myself? How do I go into this new year? You know, taking care of myself, managing weight, like, what are, is any advice you might give somebody who, you know, might be thinking about making a change and just not quite sure what they should do or what they, I mean, like what advice would you give for somebody heading into the new year? And from what you've learned,

Alice Murydian: I would say approaching weight loss from the place of self-care and love is really, really important. It was for me and approaching it from, you know, being there for yourself, loving yourself enough to care for your body and not overfeeding. It is a loving act instead of punishing yourself, because you are not where you wanna be, you know, oh, you do it again. That mindset shift for me was huge difference maker. So, showing up for yourself, making the time for yourself, making the time to work out and take care of your body, you know, feed your body good stuff. And then your body will serve you when you need it.

Rita Black: Yeah. That's that's for sure. Speaking of exercise. So did, how did you manage to fit in exercise into your busy schedule? Like how did you make that shift for yourself?

Alice Murydian: I had to do it first thing in the morning, cause I knew that if I get busy and I've got stuff to do, it's just not gonna happen. I had to be real with myself and go look, you don't get it out of the way first thing in the morning, chances are, yeah, you might squeeze in an extra little walk in the evening, but at least, you know, you've done most of it in the morning.

Rita Black: Right. So how, what were you doing in the morning?

Alice Murydian: I enjoy doing YouTube videos because I can get out of bed, do it in my pajamas, shower and be done. You know what I mean?

Rita Black: I love that. So you just pick a YouTube, something from YouTube, like a hit class or a, or?

Alice Murydian: Yeah, so now in my maintenance mode, I have a schedule where I do upper weight training. So I do upper body, lower body and in between I do cardio. Oh cool. Yeah. And that's working fine until it doesn't then I create something else that's working. So

Rita Black: I love that. So you do upper body, lower body on the same day or do you do different days? You have her schedule. So upper body one day And then.

Alice Murydian: Yeah, twice a week is upper body on different days and then twice a week lower body. And then in between is cardio.

Rita Black: Okay. I love it. That's that is great. And I'm sure during COVID that was easy to follow through too that having the YouTube, I think a lot of people not working out with YouTube, like the new, like, oh my gosh, this is so great.

Alice Murydian: And I live on a mountain, like, so there's a lot of good hiking up here, so...

Rita Black: Oh, fantastic. Yeah. Yeah. It's so beautiful where you are Alice lives out in the, like near the, where you live is sort of near wilderness or what I would say the wilderness of Los Angeles. It's kinda the, I mean, that's the crazy thing about LA is you are on the, you know, on the edge of real wilderness where deer and bears and all of that.

Alice Murydian: We have them all.

Rita Black: Yeah, I know. That's that's it is you it's crazy to me. I mean, we live down in the flats and there's a family of coyotes now who have inhabited our street. I mean, we are in like as middle of LA as you can be. It's like the coyotes are coming down from the mountains. I know. Well this has been really great. Has maintenance been, you know, talk to me a little bit about maintenance. Like, has that been difficult or easier than weight release mode? Has it been hard to find that right balance for yourself? Are you still, cause I know you've been doing it for a few months. Like what, what would you tell people about maintenance?

Alice Murydian: It's a little tricky for me cause my mind sometimes plays with me and says, you need to go back to the lower calories cause that was worth working when you go up, you might. So I'm still working through that and trying to find my happy place with the calories. Yeah. I find that if I stick to the lower range of my allowed, I think it works better unless I've done a really heavy workout or something, then you know, gives me a little extra wiggle room.

Rita Black: Do you feel deprived?

Alice Murydian: Not really.

Rita Black: No. You're enjoying what you're eating and.

New Speaker: Yeah, I do. I, I make it a point the times that I feel deprived is when I go out and I don't have control of how it's made and what it's made. So I wind up eating a lot less than I would want to eat. Just to compensate for all the extra oils or whatever that might be in the food.

Rita Black: Right? Yeah. Well, one thing I think that you're talking about that I just wanted to point out to people cause I think the diet industry has given us this illusion that, you know, you lose weight, you get to your ideal weight and then it's like, you know, you ride off into the sunset versus like I think a lot of what you've talked about today, Alice, which has been really great is that especially the loving yourself and showing up for yourself is that really long-term weight management is changing your communication with yourself, right? And it's the communication system that we have that's broken down when we struggle with our weight and really repairing that, repairing our connection with ourself and really learning to, you know, use different cognitive tools to release weight naturally. Where you are right now. It's an interesting place. And a lot of people will say exactly what you're saying. It's like you're playing around with stuff and it's, you're, you're trying to figure it out and there's a tentativeness in it because we don't fully trust ourselves and we don't fully trust the science yet. We are just still needing to find that right balance. And I think that the problem comes not from what's going on for you, but that people think it should be different, you know, like that it should be different. Like I remember when I was a new mother and I was always second guessing myself, like, is this right? Is this wrong? Is this like, am I feeding from the right breast or the left breast today? Like it was like, I was like, literally. Yeah, like tied up in nuts. My stomach was like, I'm ruining my child's future. You know, she'll, she'll never be like all these things. Right. My second child, I was like, he was falling on his head. I was like, yeah, he's fine. You know, like, so I think the longer you are in maintenance mode, the more confident you become, you can go out to dinner and eat the stuff with the oil and it'd be like, I'm fine. I'll, you know, it will all leave out in the end and you know, and you know that you can pull yourself back from, you know, going out and indulging one night and knowing that, okay, I know I can get myself back, but then a couple of days, the more and more you do that, the more, the more confident you will become and the more easy maintenance is. But yeah, I think that there's many phases to weight management and this is gonna be my theme in 2022 is to really start to look at the different phases. And you're at a really interesting part of the phase because it is, you know, you've done all the work that has gotten you to, you know, your ideal away you're wearing the clothes, but now it's the inner work of like the long-term, settling in, you know, and, and you don't get that like, oh, I'm down another pound today. You know, you don't get that glamorous weight release, right. Damage. But instead it's like, you're digging deeper for reinforcing that powerful relationship with yourself and really finding like what, what that place is. And so, and I think it's, you know, okay to talk about it and it's okay to say, yeah, I'm not quite clear and not quite a hundred percent there yet, but it's an exciting place to be, but you'll, you'll get there and it does it, but it is an interesting, so listeners can hear, like, this is an interesting phase. All the phases of weight mastery are interesting when you start to look at it in relationship with your relationship with yourself. And I said, relationship twice. In reflection of your relationship with yourself. So anyway, I really appreciate the time you took today. I hope you have an amazing 2022 and how can you not, this is your lucky number. And I hope that you, yeah, you enjoy. And, I mean, that's a great thing about Southern California in January. It's a great time to get out and be active and everything. So I hope you have a wonderful time, but thank you for your time, Alice. I really, really appreciate it. And like I said, happy, happy new year

Alice Murydian: Happy new year. Appreciate you.

New Speaker: Thank you, Alice. That was amazing. And just a last reminder here we are in the mid January of 2022 hibernation season. And there are just a few days left to enroll in the shift weight mastery process self-study process. So you can enroll, there's a link below and you know, it will explain what is in the process, all the bonuses and the big discount you get. So just go click on the link and learn more, see if that's something you're up to right now. It's not that all or nothing crazy diet thing. It's really about releasing weight powerfully and for the last time, so that you can reach your ideal weight, maintain that weight and have long term permanent weight mastery. So have an amazing week. And remember that the key and probably the only key to unlocking the door, the weight struggle is inside you. So keep listening and find it. I will see you next time.

New Speaker: Thanks for listening to the thin thinking podcast. Did that episode go by way too fast for you? If so, and do you want to dive deeper into the mindset of long-term weight release? Head on over to where you'll find numerous tools and resources to help you unlock your mind for permanent weight release, tips, strategies, and more, and be sure to check the show notes to learn more about my book From Fat to Thin Thinking: Unlock Your Mind For Permanent Weight Loss and to learn how to subscribe to the podcast so that you never miss an episode.