This week I sat down with a real trailblazer in the world of meditation.

If you have meditated before, would like to meditate, or have tried and didn’t feel like you “got it”–please join me to have your questions answers and myths about this profound daily practice addressed by the woman who brought meditation into modern daily life.

In episode 70 of The Thin Thinking Podcast, I have the honor of interviewing Suze Yalof Schwartz, the founder and CEO of the Unplug Meditation App, and the world’s first drop-in secular meditation studio.

Join us, as Suze will discuss the beauty of meditation and how it can help us with our weight loss journey. She also has a special offer for 2 free months on her Unplug meditation app–sign up here.

In This Episode, You'll Learn:

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Rita Black: Have you shied away from meditating because you can't seem to calm your mind, or are you a big fan, or have you wanted to get started but just haven't had the time. Well, you are in luck because this week I have the honor of interviewing Suze Yalof Schwartz, the pioneer of the world's first drop in meditation studio unplug. We take a deep dive and look at the value of meditation and, ohmm away. Many of the myths that may keep you from getting started with your own practice. So take a deep breath center, be here now, and let's go.

Rita Black: Did you know that our struggle with weight doesn't start with the food on your plate or get fixed in the gym? 80% of our weight struggle is mental. That's right, the key to unlocking long-term weight release and management begins in your mind. Hi there, I'm Rita Black. I'm a clinical hypnotherapist, weight loss expert, best-selling author, and the creator of the Shift Weight Mastery Process. And not only have I helped thousands of people over the past 20 years achieve long-term weight mastery, I am also a former weight struggler, carb addict, and binge eater. And after two decades of failed diets and fad weight loss programs, I lost 40 pounds with the help of hypnosis. Not only did I release all that weight, I have kept it off for 25 years. Enter the Thin Thinking Podcast where you too will learn how to remove the mental roadblocks that keep you struggling. I'll give you the thin thinking tools, skills, and insights to help you develop the mindset you need. Not only to achieve your ideal weight, but to stay there long-term and live your best life. Sound good. Let’s get started.

Speaker 1: Hello. Hello. And come on in everyone. I am looking forward to sharing my enlightening interview with Suze. I know you are gonna love her. She founded unplugged meditation, the coolest place to meditate in LA, lots of celebs and superstars, loving that place, but also us normal folk too. But she is the most grounded person and I just love her approach to meditation. Suze Yalof Schwartz is the founder and CEO of the unplug meditation app and the world's first drop in secular meditation studio. She is also the author of unplug a simple guide to meditation for busy skeptics and modern soul seekers. In 2012, Suze learned a three-minute meditation that changed her life forever. Prior to this, she was a fashion editor and makeover guru working at Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire, and Glamour magazine. With regular appearances on GMA, The Today Show, CBS Early Show, and more. Once she discovered meditation, she was determined to keep doing it, but could not find a place to easily learn and practice after taking hundreds of hours of classes, reading every book possible and listening to podcasts and lectures from the world's most famous meditation teachers, Suze realized that meditation needed a makeover and she was the one to do it. Suze's mission is to make meditation simple, accessible, powerful, and interesting enough so that everyone will want to practice it and experience the benefits for themselves. So please, let's welcome, Suze.

Rita Black: So it's so great to have you hear Suze, and welcome to, thin thinking. It, Suze and I met, how long ago? Gosh, it was like two, three years ago. Four years ago, definitely free COVID. And I was just so fascinated because even before I met Suze, I knew unplug. So unplug, for those of you who are on the other side of the globe, was at the time just everybody who was hip and cool was going to unplug to meditate. And it was such a novel idea at the time. Right? We, well, I'm gonna let you tell your, tell us your story of how you got into meditation and how you started unplugged. But I just wanted everybody to know, like before I saw you, I knew unplug and it, it is the, you know, hip and cool LA meditation place to go.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Thank you. Well, unplug really came from, I learned meditation from my mother-in-law, who basically said.

Rita Black: Really?

Suze Yalof Schwartz: I needed to breathe. And she didn't mean that as a compliment. And she taught me a three minute exercise. I was kind of in the middle of a, not a technical panic attack, but you know, when you get very anxious and you're really stressed out and you just do not feel good, well, she taught me a three minute exercise. And at the end of those three minutes, I was a different human being.

Rita Black: Wow!

Suze Yalof Schwartz: And I said to her, what is that? And she said, it's called meditation, you should really learn how to do it. And at the time I was still working in the fashion industry. I had been a fashion editor for over two decades, working at places like Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire, Glamour magazine. And then when I moved to Los Angeles, I was doing a lot of televisions, you know, spots on good morning America.

Rita Black: Right.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: And when I went to go learn how to meditate, it was very complicated. At the time there were long classes, there were, you know, two week programs who had to go on a retreat and I'm like, why can't this be simpler?

Rita Black: Right.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Why can It be like what she taught me? That quick and easy, go in, go out and fill 10 X, you know, better. And kind of like hypnosis, right? Rita, like you get hypnotized. And you're like, this is great.

Rita Black: Yes.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: So, so after that I decided that meditation really needed a makeover. If people like me were gonna start doing it, they needed to be able to find a place where they could trust the teacher, make sure that the content was like, you know, very powerful, but not so long and long winded.

Rita Black: Right. And that you didn't need to pay thousands of dollars to get a mantra. And what have you. Right,

Speaker 3: Correct. Correct. Now. so when I decided to do that, I couldn't stop thinking about this idea that I had and unplug came because I was sitting with my girlfriend in my kitchen and I'm like, let's call it, Go Own. And she's like, what about recharge? And I'm like, what about reboot? And she's like, what about unplug? I'm like, that's good. Let's see if we can get that. Got the URL. Decided to just jump in feet first. And I opened up the world's first drop in meditation studio here on Wilshire Boulevard, in Santa Monica, there had never been a studio just exclusively for meditation that you could come in and come out of, you know, whenever you needed to. So of course it became this huge sensation. All the teachers wanted to be a part of it because they, you know, this was the first one,

Rita Black: Right.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Were flying in from all over the world to take classes, to see what it was. And I was meeting the most interesting and incredible human beings and I loved it. It was a total real life experience, classes that I couldn't even get into. It became so packed. During free-COVID

Rita Black: What here, can I ask you what year was this?

Suze Yalof Schwartz: 2014. So we're on,

Rita Black: Okay. You were way ahead of the curve. It's amazing.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Yeah, I was. And so there was a client here who wanted to travel, had to travel for his job, but really hated leaving the studio. So he asked if we could record some of the teachers so he could take it when he travels, cuz he didn't wanna stop meditating. And I asked one of our teachers that he really liked and she said, yes. And I recorded her. And then other people had heard that I did that. They're like, can you record me? I heard you media trick cuz I used to do media training. So I media trained, all these different teachers and they were really happy because this was before video was becoming such a big deal.

Rita Black: Right.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: But we were doing video. And we created our first, you know, application.

Rita Black: Right.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: So the unplug app was real teachers doing real content, talking to a real audience and trying to like look directly into the camera so they could really grab them.

Rita Black: Right.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: And get them excited about this. And it worked for people were loving it and they were able to come to the studio for the longer sessions. And you know, one of the most incredible parts about the studio is you have to hand over your phone before you go in.

Rita Black: Yes.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: So it's that separation between being plugged in and not being plugged in.

Rita Black: Yeah.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Still plugged in and it's technology for good. But it's still technology.

Rita Black: Yeah. I remember going to, you know, teach at the Wilshire address and walking into the space and it, there is just something very magical about the space. And then for those of you who maybe haven't ever been to, any sort of meditation studio, but definitely this meditation studio, you have the most comfortable things for people. What, what do you call those?

Suze Yalof Schwartz: You know, there are meditation chairs and we've created them, you know?

Rita Black: Yes.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: We actually, we bought the standardized ones, these five position floor chairs. And after four classes you could feel the metal in the back. So we ended up buying them, stripping them all, triple patting them and then putting full leather on top so that it would feel substantial. And they do, they feel incredible.

Rita Black: Yeah. They are.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: They're like lounges

Rita Black: It's so cool. Well, so now here we are 2022 fast forward from 2014 in, in this year, cuz it's been eight years. What, what have you seen as the trend for meditation? Like how, why do you think meditation has become the thing to do so popular? I mean like what in your mind? I mean, I know it's the unplug the ability to unplug, but like what do you see happening in the world and what do you know? What's your take on it?

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Well, anxiety is through the roof.

Rita Black: Mm-hmm .

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Because of COVID. We're still in the pandemic a little bit, but it's not as bad as it was before, but still people are really anxious about work, about life, about money, about families, about what they're gonna do. You know, we have the great resignation right now where people are just like wanting to not work anymore and companies are struggling because they can't get people to actually work inside of their locations. And so I believe that meditation has well, meditation has been scientifically proven to reduce stress and anxiety, so it has become such a great tool as a replacement of antianxiety me medications,

Rita Black: Right.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: We can now do antianxiety meditations. Now I'm, I'm a believer. I'm not anti any type of medication if you need it, by all means. I'm, I believe that, you know, you should use it, but I know that meditation can help with not just anxiety and stress, but with focus, with memory, with executive decision making with, your heart, you know, one of my favorite lines is from a heart cardiologist from UCLA, Tamara Horwich who said, if stress can kill you, then meditation can save your life.

Rita Black: Mm. I love that. And I believe that wholeheartedly. Do you think also, you know, I've been thinking about this that people desperately need to go in and just connect with themselves. We've been so externally focused too. Like you, you started your studio in 2014 and that was really, I mean, I know, cell phones or smartphones came out in 2007, but it was really hitting like the, the digital, the in streaming and everything, you know, we've become so external in our, our day to day life. I mean, I've seen this as a hypnotherapist. That's why I'm asking you because I started my practice in 2000, 2001. And at that time there, life was a slower pace. People sat and thought about stuff because there wasn't, you know, like right now kids don't sit and pause and think about it. They pull out their phone and then they get on it. If they feel nervous or feel anxious or feel something as a leveler. Right. And same with, you know, it's so easy to just tune in and binge watch something. You don't have to wait for your favorite show. Well, now you do. I'm waiting for on HBO. I wait for my shows to line up. But, so, and so I have seen a progressive lack of like, the brain is so busy, so busy, so stimulated by all this external stuff, like I've seen it amped up and around 2014 is where I really see. And then I think with the pandemic, like you were saying, it reached sort of a crisis point where we were just so overstimulated.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Oh my God.

Rita Black: So, and I know hypnosis is helpful, but I mean, that's what I'm curious is like that, that ability I, I could see how meditation and doing it on a daily basis would give that like retrain a person into connecting with themselves on a more regular basis. I don't know. What do you think?

Suze Yalof Schwartz: I mean, Rita, I believe that meditation is such a gift. It's a gift that you give to yourself. It is the space that we crave. It is the answer to who we are, why we're here, what our purpose is, what do we want? How do we wanna feel? What makes us happy? We don't ask ourselves these questions.

Rita Black: No

Suze Yalof Schwartz: We used to like lay in the grass or sit on a car and just experience life and be bon. And the thing is, is that when you're quiet, when you're still, when you're silence, that's when all the big ideas come to you, that is where your most creative self live. And the problem is people are stifling their creativity and they're stifling their expressiveness because they it's not even them anymore. It's a copy of what they've already seen, that they don't even realize that they're doing. So I think we need to unplug from distractions, plug in to ourselves. And you know, digital addiction is through the roof.

Rita Black: Right.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: And I can't lie. I'm addicted too, like.

Rita Black: Sure.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: On my phone. And sometimes I'm like, wait, why am I sitting here watching, you know, Johnny. How did that even happen? I have to get back to work. It is stealing my time. It is a waste of my time and it is stealing my time. So I would much rather, you know, take my phone, put it away, get through some deep work, have some meaningful conversations, connect with myself. That's where I grow. That's that's where the growth is.

Rita Black: Yeah.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: So I think people are craving that.

Rita Black: I agree with you. And I think that people are turning to meditation. Definitely for that. I call, I like to call it, there was a cognitive study. I wish I knew the source, but they said that every two hours, our brain needs a brain break in order to function optimally like three to five minutes, you know? And I know you have on your unplug app, like five minute, little mini meditations, don't you?

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Yeah.

Rita Black: It's and I, and I, I say to people, you know, if you, in that time, because people will go to the snack room and eat something and they'll give their brain a brain break. But unfortunately they're also cramming chocolate down their throat, or they'll go outside and smoke a cigarette and they'll get that brain break. And in that time, their brain is doing what you're saying, all the neural pathways that have gotten so stimulated have calmed down, they reconnect and you get that little epiphany of that thought, but meditation taking a breath, closing your eyes would facilitate the same thing without having to smoke or without having to reach for chocolate or a bagel or something like that.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Yeah, there's a great way to discover that. And that is to go onto your reminders app. I'm on my phone. And after like, I set up a reminder that every 90 minutes, 60 minutes, it's to remind me to get up and do five burpees.

Rita Black: Oh, I love it

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Up off my seat and do five burpees. And I find that I'm doing like 35 burpees a day because, and I feel more excited. I feel less tired. Yeah. I feel less like a shoveler cuz you know, you know, I, I'm not just someone who you're on the unplug meditation app but I'm a client. Like I came to you because of overeating and wanting to just stop eating everything that came my way, just because I felt sorry for it.

Rita Black:

Suze Yalof Schwartz: And cookie that passed me by

Rita Black: Well, so, so what is the, um, what are some myths? Because I definitely know there are some myths floating around, out there regarding meditation. So maybe you can unmyth this, unplug us from some myths that may be keeping people from meditating.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Okay. Well the biggest myth is when people say I can't meditate because I think too much, I have too many thoughts and I can't calm my mind down.

Rita Black: Right?

Suze Yalof Schwartz: What people need to know is that they will never, ever, ever be able to shut their brains off. In fact, the beautiful part of meditation is the fact that you are giving yourself that opportunity to actually see the way your mind works. What are you thinking about? You don't even know all these five to 50,000 thoughts that are happening in your brain daily. You don't know what you're saying to yourself, cuz we're living in this unconscious existence. But when you stop and you notice, and then you choose to come back into the present moment where your breath is, breathing, breathing out, letting go I'm here. It's now, then our mind will take us out. So I always like to say, and I learned this from Light Watkins, that meditation is really like a bicep curl for your brain. Every time you notice your mind wandering, drifting to a thought sensation or feeling, you just bring it back like a bicep curl to the present moment to your breath and then your mind will come back. So it's that dance between mind wandering and coming back into the present moment. And that is what the practice of meditation is. And people always say what's meditation and what's mindfulness. Well, mindfulness is about focusing on something like you're washing your hands. You're focusing on, sound or having a conscious conversation. And meditation is really about getting to that sweet spot, which is that space between you bringing your awareness to your breath and your mind wandering. So there's that little slice could be only a second. It could be a minute. It could be an hour for some yogis, where you can actually just be present in the present moment.

Rita Black: Right.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: But it's a practice it's hard, especially with all these distractions. So the biggest myth of all time is I can't do it because I think too much. The second biggest myth is I can't do it because I have no time.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: And here's the scoop. We all make time for the things that are important to us. So if your child gets sick, you're dumping everything and you're going to your child. If your dog needs you to take him to the bed, you're doing that. If you need to do something, you're gonna get it done. So this easiest way to build a streak in meditation, I like to use that word streak, but we can call it a consistent meditation practice too, is to wake up before you do anything, meditate, and then start your day. Don't go to the bathroom. Don't do anything. I do. RCM. I wake up, I actually click, um, the challenge. I always go for the challenge every

Rita Black: Okay.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Challenge. So I'll click the challenge of the day. They're always 10 minutes and under, and then I start my day.

Rita Black: I love it.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: People say, how do you know it works? How do you know if it's working? And the best way to know if meditation is working for you is to stop doing it. I don't wanna be around. But that's the best way to know.

Rita Black: I love that. So is there any sort of advice? Well, I think you just gave us a lot of advice. I was saying for anybody who's new to meditation. I mean, I get like creating the time. That's a creating the time,

Suze Yalof Schwartz: First thing in the morning.

Rita Black: Yeah.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Don't take a vote. Yeah. My advice is don't take a vote. Should I brush my teeth first? Or should I meditate first? Okay. There is gonna be the problem. You're gonna definitely brush your teeth first and then you're gonna go on with your day and you'll forget.

Rita Black: Right?

Suze Yalof Schwartz: So you don't take a vote. Should I? Or should I, you just do it. Okay. So that's one. The second thing is I like for people to start with the unplug meditation app, because every meditation on there on the challenge section, it goes day, one day, two day three. It gives you a plan. Okay. So you know where to start? It's like when you're starting something new, sometimes you just want someone to tell you what to do. Yes. Just tell me what to say. Okay. And you know what you're gonna do. You're gonna press day one. You're gonna press day two. And every time you complete a day, you get a check. So, you know, you've got you, did it. You know where you are and you can see your streak. Like how many days in a row have I gone? I actually just met with a woman who's on her 700th and 85th day of streak.

Rita Black: Oh my gosh. It so is how long is the challenge? Like the initial challenge? Like if you were gonna start every,

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Yeah, we just, we do it every month. So no matter what time of the month you come in, just start. And then if it switches months, you can finish it or you can skip to the next month.

Rita Black: Okay.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: It's just a way to kind of keep yourself accountable and go down the line.

Rita Black: I love it. Yeah. That's fantastic. Yeah. What about your most amazing meditation experience? Do you have one? Can you remember one, like the one that stands out to you the most?

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Oh my gosh. I mean, there's so many that I love. I love sound baths. So I like being live in the studio and actually you can listen to them on the app and we're giving all of the people listening to this a free two months on the Unplug.

Rita Black: Yes. I was gonna ask you to tell us about that.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: I'll tell more about that at the end, but just so they know, they don't think we're

Rita Black: So you're gonna get like, yeah. So she's not, she's like going to give you two free months so you can go on and check it out. So what, yeah. So what's I have heard sound, I have not done a sound bath yet shame to say, but I do know that people have profound experiences with them.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: So I love listening to the bowls and I like playing the balls when I meditate. I like using essential oils and I like having essential oils used on me. I like, I, you know, I love hypnosis and I love doing your hypnosis for overeating, for weight mastery. I love that so much. And that's also on the unplug app, but I like the live too. I mean like live is like more personal lux experience, so.

Rita Black: Right.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: I do feel, I don't know. I mean, there's so many that I absolutely love. I can't even pick the one because I love a bunch of the teachers. I picked every single teacher on the app because I genuinely love them.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Right, right. Yeah. And the app is beautiful. You will see it's gorgeous. It's really well designed. Cuz obviously Suze, you are, you come from a design background. You, you have an impeccable eye. So it's, and it's a very easy user, uh, friendly experience. It's very impressive.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Thank you.

Rita Black: So yeah. So tell us about this amazing two month offer. So like if I'm gonna put a link in the show notes, you guys, and I'll, if you get my emails, you'll also get the link in the email and you just sign up. Right. You just sign, you just sign up and you, then you can go on and upload it on your phone or you, you upload it on your phone.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: No, First you, no first you sign up, then you upload it on your phone.

Rita Black: Okay.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: So you're getting the code. There's a sign up. We'll send you the link with the code.

Rita Black: Got it.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: And then you just start, you don't.

Rita Black: Yeah.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: I mean, we also have the meditation of the day that changes every day, but I kind of like the more thematic challenges for me personally, but also the discovery tab is amazing. It's a gem. You can find a whole entire section devoted to hypnosis whole entire section devoted to aromatherapy, the sound bath.

Rita Black: Oh wow.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Guided visualizations to all the greatest, you know, different types of classes by all the greatest teachers.

Rita Black: Yeah. So you attract amazing people.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Well, I go after them, like, you know, Rita, I can keep clients and then I'm like, can we please do this on the app? I knew that people would love it. And then

Rita Black: You're a curator.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Not only that we did it on the app, we sent it over to beach body on demand. And now you've had like probably a million people.

Rita Black: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's, it's been amazing. And it is, it's amazing that you are on the beach body, application as well. You've really grown this. It's been such a joy to see how you're, this idea that you had in your kitchen with your friend, naming the thing has blossomed and helped. So many people, you must get so many people all over the world, you know, telling you you've changed my life. I'm a calmer person. I'm a better parent. I'm a better student. I started my company cuz I finally was able to be productive.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: The stories that I hear Rita would probably blow your mind from the pain.

Rita Black: I am sure.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: of UCLA, the cancer patients, what the fertility doctor who recommend us to all of their patients. But what's really interesting to me is kind of like the way the client comes to us and where they land. So like a lot of people come to us probably who are listening to this podcast and they're like, I have no idea how to meditate. Who am I to meditate? I can't do this thing. I don't wanna say still. And they try one on the end, and they're like, this is really good. Okay. I'll do one more day. And then they do another day. Next thing you know, they've meditated every single day. And then they are like, wait, I'm like a serious, I love this. I don't wanna hoard this for myself anymore. I wanna go pro and then they come to us and we'd give them teacher training. And then we have over 200 teachers now Rita from 18 different countries around the world who went from coming up to us from the unplug app who went totally pro they open up studios, they're teaching corporations. They're, you know, teaching at schools, they're doing private or yoga. It's, it's amazing. Then those teachers become teachers on the app sometimes and teachers in the studio and the other people are the ones that come in and they just really benefit. And they use it every day as like a mental health and wellness benefit. Right. Their companies sometimes, and the whole company starts to meditate with us. It's pretty amazing.

Rita Black: That is amazing. Yeah. And I know you hear these stories about celebrities, politicians, you know, that they claim yoga, not yoga meditation, has they use it religiously every day just for their creativity or their strategy or what have you. So it's amazing. Any last words for our listeners, it's been so great to hear all of your stories and your advice.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Yeah. I mean, I would say to them, if they can breathe and

Rita Black:

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Excuses, no, some people need to come to it naturally. However, the sooner you do this, the better you will feel. And I wish I had found this practice when I was younger. It would've changed everything for me. Little things don't bother me as much. I'm able to focus and be less distracted. I feel so much better on a day to day basis. And I'm actually able to be present with my family, my friends and the people around me. That was not me before I started this. And if you want to experience these benefits for yourself, there's only one way to do it. And that is to actually start. So I invite you all to start. We're making it really easy for you by giving you all two months free on the unplugged meditation app. But you don't even need an app to do this. You can do this on your own, in your bed. Just think about what you're grateful for three things and then get outta bed.

Rita Black: Yeah. But you might as well take advantage of the app just to get going and just to get some structure because I do think structure is important. I have one last question. What does your mother-in-law think about you starting this revolution? Starting from her idea?

Suze Yalof Schwartz: You know, she, it was a very, and I, her idea to open up a studio and

Rita Black: No, but her was like, she gave you the breath or the like

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Telling me I needed to breathe. I think she's really proud and really excited. And can't believe the ripple that this, this had.

Rita Black: Yeah.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: Not just for her. Cause she's now suggested she's a psychotherapist. So she gives it to all of her patients, but her friends are all doing it, you know? And she just, you know, you gotta feel good. Like I that's the thing people know is like, we all have a ripple.

Rita Black: Right.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: You know, like everyone actually has a ripple when we're in a good mood, we can make everybody else in a good mood when we're in a bad mood. Same.

Rita Black: Yes.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: So we wanna like make sure our ripple matters and that we're rippling out things that are gonna make the world a better place.

Rita Black: Yeah.

Suze Yalof Schwartz: And that's how I see it.

Rita Black: And rippling consciously, like you're saying and taking it back home. Well, thank you so much, Suze. It's been such a joy to, to see you and to, have you on thin thinking, thank you for your time.

Rita Black: Thank you so much, Suze. It was so great to spend this time with you and everyone. Please. Don't forget. You can try out two months of meditation free with the unplug app. So go into the show notes or you will find the link and just sign up it's that easy and have an amazing week. And remember that the key and probably the only key to unlocking the door of the weight struggle is inside you. So keep listening and find it.

Rita Black: Thanks for listening to the thin thinking podcast. Did that episode go by way too fast for you? If so, and do you want to dive deeper into the mindset of long-term weight release? Head on over to where you'll find numerous tools and resources to help you unlock your mind for permanent weight release, tips, strategies, and more, and be sure to check the show notes to learn more about my book From Fat to Thin Thinking: Unlock Your Mind For Permanent Weight Loss and to learn how to subscribe to the podcast so that you never miss an episode.