It’s a common struggle to criticize ourselves, especially when it comes to matters of weight, and our bodies but let’s change that narrative together, today.

In today’s episode, I am thrilled to invite you to a special meditation and mantra session dedicated to appreciating and celebrating our bodies just as they are.

Join me as we embark on a journey of self-love and acceptance, right here in the present moment.

This session is designed to help you see your body for the magnificent entity that it is, while also setting the groundwork for a path towards a healthier and lighter future.

By acknowledging and loving our bodies today, we open doors to respecting and advocating for them as we nurture them toward greater well-being.

So, grab a comfortable spot, bring that beautiful body of yours, and join me for this transformative Healthy Body Love Meditation and Mantra Session.

Come on in!

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Rita Black: Our body, our body that does so much for us, but often gets loathed and criticized by ourselves when we struggle with weight. During this month of love, I wanted in this session to take some time to do a meditation and mantra session that appreciates our body as it is right now, and also invites us on a loving path to a healthier future. That's right. The more we own our body today and love on it today, for all it is actually paves the way for our being able to respect it and advocate for it as we nourish it towards a healthier and lighter future. So join me for this healthy body love meditation and mantra session and bring that beautiful body of yours along and come on in.

Rita Black: Did you know that our struggle with weight doesn't start with the food on your plate or get fixed in the gym? 80% of our weight struggle is mental. That's right. The key to unlocking long-term weight release and management begins in your mind. Hi there, I'm Rita Black. I'm a clinical hypnotherapist weight loss expert, bestselling author, and the creator of the Shift Weight Mastery Process. And not only have I helped thousands of people over the past 20 years achieve long-term weight mastery, I am also a former weight struggler, carb addict and binge eater. And after two decades of failed diets and fad weight loss programs, I lost 40 pounds with the help of hypnosis. Not only did I release all that weight, I have kept it off for 25 years. Enter the Thin Thinking Podcast where you too will learn how to remove the mental roadblocks that keep you struggling. I'll give you the thin thinking tools, skills and insights to help you develop the mindset you need, not only to achieve your ideal weight, but to stay there long-term and live your best life.

Rita Black: Hey, you, if you are listening to this as it drops, happy Valentine's Day. Happy, happy Valentine's Day. I hope you are enjoying loving on yourself today. And if not, that is what we are driving right into today. Now I have mixed feelings about Valentine's Day being a former waitress because every Valentine's Day for many, many years, I worked in restaurants and I watched people line up, you know, the place was booked if we were, you know, extra staff on hand because Valentine's was the night everybody went out to dinner because you were supposed to love on each other at dinner. But I think I may have, if you've listened to me for a while, you've probably heard this story, but I mean, for me as a waitress, it seemed like the most unfun, unloving meal of the year because people were forced to be there, forced to be, it felt, it felt forced.

Rita Black: All of it just felt this fake holiday, sorry, Valentine, but this sort of holiday to get everybody out to the restaurant, to, you know, get 'em in, get 'em out, bring in the second seating and the third seating. It all seemed really rushed and forced. And so as a waitress, I vowed I would never, ever go out to dinner on Valentine's Day. And to this day, I have not done that. So call me a snob. Call me a horrible person. But I believe in loving on the people in my life, loving on my husband, who I've been married to for, I don't even know how long, 35 years or more. I don't even wanna count. And loving on my kids, loving on my friends, loving on you, loving on my community. There is so much love that I don't need to go out to some restaurant and eat, overeat some, you know, big old dessert or chocolatey thing.

Rita Black: I wanna just be in gratitude all year long for the amazing people in my life and the more amazing people that can continue to come into my life like you on in our Thin Thinking podcast community. So I'm loving on all of you today, but every single week as well. So, but happy Valentine's Day to those romantics of you who actually do enjoy going out and having a dinner. Good for you. I really appreciate the fact there are really deep hearted romantics that really, I do have friends who go and make this day really special. And my husband and I just, we, like I said, we have our special time all throughout the year. So Valentine's Day for us is, ah, we'll go for a hike and that's our thing.

Rita Black: So anyway, I want to also tell you about something that I do that might be helpful for you with regards to loving on your body because we are doing that today. We are gonna spend some time. I'm gonna do, I'm gonna get right into it in a moment, but there is something that I do, and if you're not doing it, you might consider doing it because I find that it just helps so much to wake up in the morning and get into that positive mental mindset. And I just, I kind of do a progressive relaxation and I, you know, love on my body from my feet to my calves, to my thighs, up to my bum, up to my stomach, chest, neck, arms, head hair, all of it. And I'm just grateful. I'm grateful to have a body. I'm grateful for all it does for me. And, you know, from coming from a history of loathing my body so much every day, waking up into, you know, horror, why do I have this body? This body is so horrible.

Rita Black: It doesn't work. It's broken. So it's a miracle to me that I am able to love every single cell of my body. So gratitude for me was something that really helped turn the corner. And I know that might sound super woowoo to you, but just try it out, woowoo or not. I swear to you, if you just do this once for your Valentine's gift to yourself you'll be, I think, surprised at the power of it. I remember going to the beach and never ever ever wearing a bathing suit or anything. I would wear black leggings to the beach with a black shirt or something, you know, because I just was so horrified at my body. And, and I wanted, I always told my husband, my husband's like, why are you wearing black to the beach? Like, what are you doing to put on a pair of shorts?

Rita Black: And I was like, but I want everybody to have a good time. 'cause I really felt like people would look at me and just be horrified and grossed out. That was the depths to which I was repulsed by my body and looking at it and seeing it. And just so it is a journey to own ourselves and to create a powerful communication system within ourselves for our body. So please, if you're feeling any negativity towards your body today, I hope that this meditation and mantra session helps soften that and open your heart up towards your beautiful body that does so much for you and for us all on this theme of love on this day.

Rita Black: So without any further ado, I hope this session helps you create a vision of a healthier and lighter path ahead while loving yourself today so that you can love yourself down the scale. And if you are driving as you are listening to this, please pause and wait. Otherwise, for those of you who are not driving, go ahead and just take a nice deep breath in.

Rita Black: And let's just begin by you closing your eyes and taking a nice deep breath into your body. And exhale. And just again, taking another nice deep breath in, focusing in on the breath in smooth and silky and out letting out what needs to be let go of. And just simply allow yourself to be as relaxed as you could ever want to be. That's right. Just allow yourself to be as deeply relaxed as you could ever want to be. And while you are relaxing there, you can just be aware of your body and notice your breathing is becoming slower and steadier as you relax more and more. Breathing so steadily and evenly, you almost wouldn't disturb a feather placed immediately in front of you, breathing so easily and slowly, so gently that you almost wouldn't disturb even a single strand of a feather placed right in front of you.

Rita Black: And I wonder if you can begin to become aware of the constant steady rhythm of your heartbeat, noticing that you can use the power of your mind to slow your entire body down, becoming even more relaxed than the moment before this one. And right now you have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do except to begin one step at a time, descending a beautiful flight of 10 stairs. And with each step down, just allow that step to take you twice as deep as the step before.

Rita Black: Nothing to do whatsoever, except go down the steps beginning now and starting with that top step 10 and taking that first step down, just beginning to go deeper and deeper. Nine, going deeper still, your mind opening to making changes and your perception of your body today. Eight, deeper and deeper. Seven, letting go. Six, dreaming and drifting. Five, deeper still and so relaxed. Four, longing to make those changes deep within. Three, open your mind even more deeper and deeper. Two, letting go one.

Rita Black: And that the next step as you step down, allowing yourself to go all the way down, one down to zero, and see in front of you as a door, door to your subconscious mind. Go ahead and push on that door. And as you do so, you find that the door opens easily for you. And as you enter the space, the space of change and possibility, your subconscious mind, you see that as a very relaxing space of your own design. And choosing the space means relaxation to you. So go ahead and create a wonderful, relaxing scenario. Maybe it's a wonderful meadow or a beautiful beach with the waves lapping the shore, tranquil sounds in the distance, breeze on your face. So relaxing all the sounds around you, relaxing. And as you notice all the relaxation around you, you're aware that you're steady breathing in and breathing out and breathing in and breathing out what is more natural than breathing. As you relax deeply within your body, appreciating your body for all it is right now, the fact that you have a heart that's beating the fact that you have lungs that breathe in and breathe out.

Rita Black: The fact that your body carries you through your life and allows you to experience your life just being in wonder of this amazing body you have. And as you continue to relax, go ahead of yourself now to find an inner image of you already in your own natural and healthy body. Your lighter body, the body that you choose to walk around your everyday life in. And as you take this time to picture yourself in your own healthy, lighter body in every clear detail, allow yourself to clearly see the body you know, already lives inside of you. Perhaps seeing your body in action, easily going up the stairs. Or maybe you're picturing yourself in new clothes that fit you comfortably on your body.

Rita Black: Just keep picturing yourself now pleased with what you see, feeling good about yourself, but as well feeling good in the body you live in today for they both are the same body. And of course you know that body is inside of you right now because it's true that you are the inner creator of that healthy body. Starting with that clear vision in your mind of this body that you're now bringing into your everyday reality. That's how it works. Everything begins in your mind while at the same time being present in your body right now, appreciating and loving the body you have right now for all it does for you. And being ready to go on this journey of health with this powerful body you have today moving forward into the mind, starting with that vision of that lighter you making those changes even at the cellular level, the atoms and the nuclei, where there's tremendous energy for you to really, really get curious that vitality, so even your conscious mind can become the protector of this wonderful constant movement where change is already happening right in your mind now. And you may want to say to yourself, I only have one body and my body is my lifelong fellow traveler.

Rita Black: My body and I need each other. I need my body to live, to be in contact with my world. I want my body to carry me all the way through a long, healthy, vibrant life. And as you continue to relax, I am just going to give you some mantras. And as you hear the mantra, after I say the mantra, you can just repeat it powerfully back in your own mind. I am worthy of love and acceptance just as I am. My body is worthy of love and acceptance just as it is. I trust in my journey of moving towards my healthiest self. I release the need for approval from others and find validation within myself. Every part of me deserves love and compassion. I can now allow myself to feel safe and strong as I move towards my lightest version of myself. I forgive myself for past mistakes and allow myself to move forward with love. I forgive my body for any resentments I may have for thinking it was broken or not enough. I nourish my mind, body, and soul with kindness and self care. I am grateful for the miraculous abilities and resilience of my body.

Rita Black: I nourish my body with wholesome foods that support my health and vitality. I listen to my body's signals and give it the rest it deserves. I move my body joyfully, honoring its strength and flexibility. I embrace my body's unique shape and form, appreciating its beauty. I practice self-care rituals that rejuvenate and invigorate my body. I speak to my body with kindness and gratitude for all it does for me. I protect my body from harm and prioritize its safety in all situations. I surround myself with people who uplift and support my journey to a healthy body. I celebrate the small victories and milestones on my journey to my healthier body. I love and appreciate my body unconditionally treating it with the care and attention it deserves. As you continue to relax, visualize yourself feeling good already, walking around in your own natural and healthy body and say to yourself, this is me. I've now changed my mental image, my concept of myself. And over time I see that my body becomes whatever vision I present to it as above. So below, I am becoming what I visualize. I love the body I have today day, and I lovingly create a healthy path towards an empowering future.

Rita Black: Starting in my mind. I am the sculptor of my own life and my own body. The sculptor who's created a new, wonderful, healthy reality of myself for my long and healthy life. And now I allow myself to practice this mind body connection every day and to experience its powerful results as I say yes to health, yes, to loving myself as I am, and yes to that powerful, healthy future that I'm creating now in my mind. Good. And now just take a nice deep breath in, bringing that image within you, bringing all of the change work that you've made inside yourself today, allowing it to take root on a subconscious level, planting those powerful seeds, taking another nice deep breath in, locking that all in and opening your eyes.

Rita Black: And welcome back. I hope you found that meditation mantra session healing and inspirational. And I hope you have a self-loving rest of your day. I'm sending you all love and appreciation during this month of love and into your whole year. And remember, if you haven't grabbed my Shift Outta Sugar Cravings Hypnosis Session, the links are in the show notes. It's gonna be especially beneficial during this time of chocolates being on sale at half price after Valentine's Day. So go grab it now and start using the power of hypnosis to shift your mind. And please subscribe to our podcast so that you never miss any of the thin thinking tools that we have in store for you coming up this year. We have some amazing episodes, so please subscribe and you will see the button available wherever you listen to your podcasts. Have a great week. And remember that the key and probably the only key to unlocking the door of the weight struggle is inside you. So keep listening and find it. I will be here with you next week.

Rita Black: You wanna dive deeper into the mindset of long-term weight release, head on over to That's, where you'll find numerous tools and resources to help you unlock your mind for permanent weight release tips, strategies, and more. And be sure to check the show notes to learn more about my book From Fat to Thin Thinking. Unlock Your Mind For Permanent Weight Loss.