Have you ever heard of tapping? Have you ever used tapping to help you with stress or get rid of unwanted habits or cravings?

I just love it when I learn and discover new modalities that help us in a lot of amazing ways and one of them is what we call tapping.

As we have the 46th episode of our Thin Thinking Podcast, we are privileged to have UK’s leading vision board expert and award winning tapping coach, Melanie Moore, who will show us how to use the power of tapping to intercept and diminish one of our greatest cravings – sugar.

It will be a moment for you to learn how to use this amazing modality not only for your sugar cravings, but even for your health and life in general.

Join us, be amazed, and be empowered in this episode of tapping with Melanie Moore.

In This Episode, You'll Learn:

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Rita Black: Have you ever used tapping to help you with stress or get rid of unwanted habits or cravings? Well today, Melanie Moore, leading tapping expert is here to walk us through what tapping is and how we can use this amazing modality to make changes in our health and life. Join us for this fascinating episode of Thin Thinking where Melanie Moore does a tapping session around sugar cravings - how to break out of them using tapping. Stay tuned and don't tap that dial.

Rita Black: Did you know that our struggle with weight doesn't start with the food on your plate or get fixed in the gym? 80% of our weight struggle is mental. That's right, the key to unlocking long-term weight release and management begins in your mind. Hi there, I'm Rita Black. I'm a clinical hypnotherapist, weight loss expert, best-selling author, and the creator of the Shift Weight Mastery Process. And not only have I helped thousands of people over the past 20 years achieve long-term weight mastery, I am also a former weight struggler, carb addict, and binge eater. And after two decades of failed diets and fad weight loss programs, I lost 40 pounds with the help of hypnosis. Not only did I release all that weight, I have kept it off for 25 years. Enter the Thin Thinking Podcast where you too will learn how to remove the mental roadblocks that keep you struggling. I'll give you the thin thinking tools, skills, and insights to help you develop the mindset you need. Not only to achieve your ideal weight, but to stay there long-term and live your best life. Sound good. Let's get started.

Rita Black: Hello everyone. I hope you are all warm and cozy. I just love learning new modalities. Don't you? There are so many of them out there now, but one that keeps coming back to me is this modality of tapping. And I'm so excited to share with you my interview with Melanie Moore where she shows us how to use the power of tapping to intercept and diminish sugar cravings, though, you could use this for whatever craving you need. Melanie uses sugar, which for a lot of us is gonna be a really awesome tool. So, I am super excited to share this with you. I have known Melanie for years and I was waiting for her to be available to have her on this podcast.

Rita Black: Melanie Moore is the UK's leading vision board expert and award winning coach. She inspires her clients to tap into their big vision and gives them the mindset tools to change the trajectory of their lives. She helps people at the crossroads of their life to get clear on their big vision and to commit to this vision by taking bold action towards their goals and creating their dream life. She is the creator of the transformational neural technique, a unique process that clears the past, which then clears the path so that lasting transformation can happen. Melanie is on a mission to help millions of people to dream bigger, think bigger, and act bigger. Please welcome Melanie Moore.

Rita Black: And hello Melanie and welcome to the Thin Thinking Podcast. How are you?

Melanie Moore: I'm good, Rita. Thank you so much for having me,

Rita Black: Melanie is so amazing. She lives in England and we are just sitting here chatting and I am, you know, it's the afternoon LA time and it's late at night that she just told me you're a night owl. So tell us a little bit, I am sure everybody on the podcast is super interested in tapping because that's not something everybody does, but how did you, you know, tell us about you and how your road to tapping, how did that happen?

Melanie Moore: So, I came across tapping, funny, the first time I came across tapping was, oh gosh, maybe nearly 15 years ago. And my ex-husband was a smoker and I kind of Googled this thing online saying, and saying, looking for all the things that could help him. And obviously I wish I'd known about you back then and how you, and so I sent him off for a session, with, to have this with, and he was so skeptical. He just did not buy into it at all. And, and that's the thing - tapping is a bit weird. It is a bit weird. And it was only when I experienced it for myself and how I could cause I sent him to have some sessions before I even really knew what it was. And, so that's how I first came across tapping. But then, yeah, shortly after that, after I had my children, I'd all, I've always has been interested in holistic therapies. And, so I retrained as a reflexologist and then I became a Reiki healer and I was helping my clients with fertility - I'd chosen, you know, fertility as my niche or my niche. As you call it. And it was helping people in their pregnancy journey because I've had reflexology and Reiki throughout both my pregnancies. Loved it and I wanted to help support women with what I loved. But then, during my reflexology training, I also was taught about tapping and I thought, oh yeah, that weird thing. And I couldn't believe how quickly I was getting shifts through tapping, helping me with things like migraines, with hay fever, with seasonal allergies.

Rita Black: Really? Wow.

Melanie Moore: And, and I thought this thing, because I think a lot of people, so it's called emotional freedom technique or EFT for short. And, and I think most people come across it as really good for relieving stress, anxiety. It's also good for phobias. Here in the UK there's one of the big budget airlines, Easy Jet has a fear of flying course. It's a two-day course and on day one, they're tapping the whole day. Wow. And then day two, they take them up on a plane to see how their fears gone and they have a huge success rate and, you know, for a big airline to put their faith in this kind of weird tapping thing, it's, we've moved beyond that. It's no longer woo woo. It works. It's been scientifically proven and yeah, I, I love it.

Rita Black: I have to say too, and I will, mental health has reached such a crisis point that modalities like tapping and EMDR and hypnotherapy, people are so much more willing to try something new because the old models aren't working or they're too expensive or inaccessible. And I think we realize, you know, the power of the mind so much more than we did, you know, 20 years ago, even when I started my hypnotherapy business, I mean, people were calling me up and they're like, you're gonna make me bark, like a dog, you know, it's like people have gotten way beyond that now. And they're so much more willing to try something new. I think they, now, I think people are really like, what's next? What can I do? So, I mean, tell us a little bit, about how tapping works, you know, how does it work?

Melanie Moore: So it's often described as like a cross acupuncture, you know, traditional Chinese medicine where we're working with the, the acupressure points on our base and our body. I know we're an audio at the moment. We have acupressure points near our eyebrow, side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, under the lip or the chin point, then we have a collarbone acupressure point, under the arm, literally kind of where your bra strap is if you are lady wearing a bra and wearing a bra and the top of your head, on the crown. And so these are the key points and it's like a combination between acupuncture, but without the needles, because we use our fingertips to stimulate these points with some light tapping and combined with modern day psychology. It was kind of, I'd say, let's say discovered kind of by, by a psychotherapist, by the name, Roger Callahan back in the eighties, and he was treating a woman, a patient who had a lifelong phobia with water and he was doing all the usual traditional psychotherapy methods. And wasn't getting a breakthrough with her. And then he, because he had a basic understanding in traditional Chinese medicine, he remembered that there was an acupressure point, and I think it's this one here under the eye which is related to fear. And he said to this woman, you know, just tell me a story, let's talk about your fear. And can you just lightly on this point. He'd probably got some kind of divine inspiration to do this. And so she did it, she did it as she was told. And then by the end of that time, she said, I don't know what's just happened. I've had a massive, she goes, I am not afraid of water anymore. And to prove her point, she went to his bathroom, she splashed her face with water. And it was like this big shift and he's like, what just happened there.

Melanie Moore: So that kind of began a research. And I think it went into something called thought field therapy. And Gary Craig kind of, you know, picked this up and, and created what we kind of know as classic EFT today. And because it's such a relatively new healing modality, it's still open to a lot of interpretation. There's lots of flavors. People have kind of deviated slightly from the classic recipe. And kind of made it their own and I've, you know, I like to use it around limiting beliefs interrupting thought patterns and yeah. And I brought it into my practice to help women rewrite their fear of childbirth to let go of beliefs around the ability to get pregnant, to, you know, calm the body down. And, and obviously, I, I love work visualization as well. So when combining the visualization of, you know, visualizing, but yourself becoming pregnant and tapping as well. So yeah, I continue to experiment with tapping 10 years on and, and we have this phrase in the tapping world, we'll say, try it on anything. And, and, you know, in with my clients in my community, I say, you know, so I, I put it to my, my members' community. I say to them, you know, give me inspiration for tapping videos. So recently I did a tapping for fertility to tell yourself that I am a fertile person. I am, you know, I'm gonna get pregnant easily and effortlessly. We have tapping videos to manifest, you know, your soulmate. We have tapping videos.

Rita Black: I love that. We're going to give you guys just FYI, the link to Melanie's YouTube channel here and, and lots of, and some other things. So definitely check out the show notes, but that's amazing. What's your favorite video that you've created? Like, what's the one that you think is,

Melanie Moore: I love doing the money videos as well, tapping help people, cause this one of the, one of, well, my first online course that I created was a program called Tapping Into Abundance. And, you know, they often say they, you know, say that we teach what we need to learn ourselves. And there was a whole lot of stuff I had around my beliefs around my money mindset, particularly when my marriage ended. And I was facing life as a single parent, you know, raising two children on my own and, and just all these kind of beliefs that came with it. I can't be a successful person and be a good mother. I, you know, how on earth am I going to, you know, create abundance for myself? And it was just really unpacking everything I ever believed about money and because money is such an emotive topic when we've got lots of it, we feel great. And when it, you know, is lacking it, you know, it strikes fear and worrying to us and right. And I think, well, EFT is emotional freedom technique. Let's tap on the emotions around money and the beliefs around money. So yeah, I am one of, I've too many to think of, but I was the speaker at James Wes event a couple of years ago and ...

Rita Black: I was there. You were amazing.

Melanie Moore: Oh, so yeah, that was, and he asked me to do a tapping and I said, what do you want me to on? He said, let go of the belief, you have to work hard for your money. That's the good one.

Rita Black: Oh, good.

Melanie Moore: And so, yeah, that, and with James's permission, I actually put that on my YouTube channel. So

Rita Black: Good. That was a great session. It was very compelling. You did great. And you looked fabulous too, I'm sorry, this is an audio, but Melanie is a beautiful woman and, and she, if she looked afar, you were very authoritative and it was great. So, well, that is awesome. So I know, my audience, I, I said that maybe we would talk a little bit about sugar because you know, here we are in January and everybody is looking at, you know, they're eating patterns. And looking at the relationship with, for, so, so many of us who struggle with our weight, sugar and carbohydrates are, you know, like, we have a propensity for them, you know, like our, it, they hit our brains in a certain way. We've created certain patterns around them. So I know you had talked about like helping yourself with that. I know you've made some videos on YouTube about that. And maybe would you mind telling us a little bit about how our audience could maybe, maybe you can demonstrate some tapping and around sugar and everything like that. I know I'm get kind of putting the cart before the horse. You can, you can lead us in any way you like, but

Melanie Moore: Yeah, absolutely. And of course, I, I think just like money and emotions, food, you know, you know, you know, there's so just, it's so emotional, you know?

Rita Black: Yes.

Melanie Moore: We talk about comfort eating and, and I think that different food groups, give us different types of comfort. And sugar and carbs and donuts, sweet things and pastries, yeah. It's we go to those things because of either an emotion that we wanna numb or as an avoidance, There's so many it's tied up with so many things, so I kind of, yeah. Tapping is a really good way to interrupt the thought pattern and to rewrite the narrative in your head. Because I think with any other addiction, like sugar is so addictive, isn't it?

Rita Black: It's like a drug for some people. They're, they're some people it's not, but there is like, there's so much research now that shows that some people's mouths and brains, like the dopamine center obviously gets instigated, but that it can be like cocaine for some people it's that, that much of a physiological and mental response. So I could see how tapping could be a great pattern interrupt when, you know, our brain goes to food tastes good when I feel bad, like I need sugar, how would you start? Like if you were having a craving, how would you, how would you do some tapping around that?

Melanie Moore: I think, well, obviously, you know, your members and your clients, they get the support from you in terms of, you know, did you say this kind of Thin Thinking thing

Rita Black: Yeah. The name of the podcast is Thin Thinking.

Melanie Moore: Thin thinking.

Melanie Moore: Yeah. I love that.

Rita Black: So we're using our minds. We're using our minds more effectively. It just like what you're talking about, we're redirecting, we're looking at, we're getting outside the box of what I call the weight struggle and weight struggle mindset.

Melanie Moore: I think also in January, this is when the time the diet start, the new year resolution starts. So people often, I think, feel that they're in restriction mode, you know, they're denying themselves pleasure. And, and it feels a bit probably maybe a bit boring and , that, that, you know, I'm restricting myself here and I think it's to rewrite that story and maybe you associate, you know, you know, what do you associate sugar with, with it is like a reward, you know, here, I, I just, I, my parents didn't do it. And, and, you know, I've talked about this. And I think when we have deep rooted relationship with food and some people after school on a Friday, their parents would take to the sweet shop, they'd have anything they wanted or for good behavior. They were given sweets, cause seen as a reward.

Melanie Moore: But it's to, I would kind of like to think about your relationship with sugar. And it's like, well, as to retell yourself a new story, that there are other ways I can reward myself, you know.

Rita Black: Right.

Melanie Moore: Loving ways that I can. And, and yeah, I'd love to demonstrate a tapping around a minute and, and I never prepare these in advance. So I can't tell you exactly where it's going to go, but I just trust exactly what your audience, you know, will need to hear. And hopefully my intentions it'll support them to keeping on track with their January goals.

Rita Black: Yes, that would be great.

Melanie Moore: So, yeah, so I just share very briefly. I, I love a sweet thing or two myself and I love chocolates. And I, I do recognize that when I, my, to be, as my relationship with food is that I will go to it when, it's a procrastination tool for me. If there's something I want to avoid doing, I think, okay, I'll eat something instead. And then when it comes to things like chocolates and biscuits, cookies, things you call them, you know, one just isn't enough.

Rita Black: Right.

Melanie Moore: And, but you know, it's not because you need it nutritionally, you know, it's not that at all. It's not even necessarily out of hunger, it's just boredom or, yeah. And, so I remember a few years ago, it's end of term. And I gone to Costco and I bought this big thing of chocolate. So the teacher think it's like 10 boxes of chocolates and there was one left over. And, and it was the back of my mind, I knew this really nice box of chocolates was in the cupboard. And it was just like tapping on my head.

Rita Black: Right. Calling your name. Melanie I'm here.

Melanie Moore: Eat me. And it just that knocking wouldn't go away. And it was, I could feel the urge just to rip off the cellophane and tuck into this box. And then I remember, I'm gonna tap on letting go of the power that this box is having over me right now. And, so I, I guess that's my intention for this where I'm tapping, imagine there's a situation that you've got coming up or then may be something calling you. And for some people it could be, you know, a big bag of Doritos or whatever, or the, but yeah, I think on the whole, it's very kind of it's that quick sugary hit that we are after. Isn't it?

Rita Black: Yeah. Whatever the hit is. So that's perfect.

Melanie Moore: So first I would get you to, um, address the feeling, address the craving. I'll call it, it's a sugar craving and out of 10, how strongly is that feeling right now? And so me in that moment with that box of chocolates, the thought just tap, it was like a 10 out of 10. I wanted to rip it open and eat the whole box. So to viewers listening, just, you know, assess how strongly is that craving right now? Between one and 10. And, I'll just go through the points again very quickly cause obviously this audio, so it'll be, you know, so yeah, if you check out my, one of my YouTube videos, you'll see what I'm doing and then you'll be able to get, and then once you've familiarize yourself with the points, I will, I will talk you through each of the points as I move on. So you can't see now, but right now I'm tapping on the karate chop point. This is where we start off the tapping. We call this a setup statement. So when we're tapping on this point, we are addressing the problem. Now, people are saying, oh, but why are you kind of, you'll see, when I get started, I'm literally just talking about how much I want the chocolate. I really want the chocolate right now. We're addressing that craving. We're almost gonna be kinda salivating with how much we want that thing. The next part of the tappings we're gonna be letting go.

Rita Black: Melanie, can I ask you about that part of it? So Melanie is, I'm not sure if you heard her, but she's like, hitting the side of her hand at the, and you'll see it when you look at one of her videos, but, is addressing that right there in the moment, really an acceptance state, like you are accepting that you have the craving. Cause I feel like a lot of times when we resisting it gets bigger. So by just by accepting something or kind of taking ownership of it.

Melanie Moore: So you'll see, I also use a phrase, even though I have the sugar craving right now, so I'll expand on that. I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Rita Black: Oh, I love that.

Melanie Moore: Yeah. That is a key, that's a magic statement in tapping.

Rita Black: Yes.

Melanie Moore: Even though I've got X, Y, Z going on this problem, this limiting belief, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Rita Black: Oh, beautiful.

Melanie Moore: Then we love and forgive ourselves. And so we do that. We, it's called and, and by the, I call it the karate chop point. Imagine if you're going to chop a piece of wood with a karate chop, that is a piece of your, part of your hand that you are tapping.

Rita Black: That's a good visual.

Melanie Moore: Fleshy part underneath your little finger.

Rita Black: Okay.

Melanie Moore: Okay? And then we move onto the eyebrow part. This is when we start, we're continuing to address for the first part tap. It's where the eyebrow meets the bridge of the nose. Then we move onto the side of the eye. Under the eye. And you can do either side of the face, either hand doesn't matter. Under the nose, under the lip, the collar bone. Now this is probably, imagine with the bony part of your collarbone, where it goes all the way around and there's a couple of inches down from your collarbone. It's funny, I've often said it's a couple of inches above your nipple, but one of my clients said, well, she goes, my nipple is near my belly buttons. So wherever Anyway, you get the juice. I love it. It's kinda like, kind of in alignment with the top of your armpit. So

Rita Black: Yes. That's a good description. I would say. That's great visual.

Melanie Moore: Yeah. So, and then under the arm, literally kind of where your bras strapped lies and top of the head. So I will describe each of the points before I change. And then hopefully once you've kind of seen the YouTube video, you'll get the gist and then you'll come back this tapping video and it will make perfect sense.

Rita Black: Yes. Okay, good.

Melanie Moore: Okay. So yes, in three parts, first part it's addressing the problem, loving and accepting ourselves. Second part is letting go. And the third part is the positive new statement. That's going to rewire the brain. So it's kind of like a bit of a club sandwich.

Rita Black: I love it.

Melanie Moore: Okay. Right. I hope that makes sense. Right. Here we go. So, so first thing is just address the level of the craving out of 10. How strong is it? And then, good tap. There you go. Even though, oh, Rita, do you want to repeat after me?

Rita Black: I'm gonna di, yeah. And, and, Melanie is tapping that part of her hand. Even though, okay.

Melanie Moore: Even though, Right. So even though

Rita Black: Even though

Melanie Moore: I have this really strong craving, right now

Rita Black: I have this really strong craving right now

Melanie Moore: With the chocolate,

Rita Black: With the chocolate.

Melanie Moore: The cookies.

Rita Black: The cookies.

Melanie Moore: The donuts.

Rita Black: The donuts.

Melanie Moore: The bread,

Rita Black: The bread.

Melanie Moore: Pastries.

Rita Black: The pastries, I'm getting hungry.

Melanie Moore: Whatever it is, I have a craving for right now.

Rita Black: Whatever it is, I have a craving for right now.

Melanie Moore: I deeply and completely,

Rita Black: I deeply and completely

Melanie Moore: Love and accept myself anyway

Rita Black: I love and accept myself. Anyway,

Melanie Moore: Even though I have this really strong craving right now,

Rita Black: Even though I have this very strong craving right now,

Melanie Moore: I really want to eat this thing.

Rita Black: I really want to eat this thing.

Melanie Moore: I want it right now.

Rita Black: I want it right now.

Melanie Moore: I choose to deeply and completely.

Rita Black: I choose to deeply and completely

Melanie Moore: Love and honor myself anyway

Rita Black: Love and honor myself anyway

Melanie Moore: Even though this craving is so strong right now,

Rita Black: Even though this craving is so strong right now,

Melanie Moore: I just want to grab it and eat it.

Rita Black: I just wanna grab it and eat it.

Melanie Moore: I want it so much

Rita Black: I want it so much. Now we're still hitting the side of our Palm.

Melanie Moore: Just the Karate chop point

Melanie Moore: I choose to deeply and completely.

Rita Black: I choose to deeply and completely

Melanie Moore: Love, honor and forgive myself.

Rita Black: Love, honor, and forgive myself

Melanie Moore: And forgive anyone else associated with this feeling.

Rita Black: And forgive anyone else associated with this feeling.

Melanie Moore: Okay. Maybe to the eyebrow point now.

Rita Black: Okay.

Melanie Moore: This really strong cravin.

Rita Black: This really strong craving.

Melanie Moore: Side of the eye. I want it right now.

Rita Black: I want it right now.

Melanie Moore: Under the eye. I really want to eat right now.

Rita Black: I really want to eat right now.

Melanie Moore: Under the nose. I want this sugar.

Rita Black: I want this sugar.

Melanie Moore: Under the lip. My craving is so strong right now.

Rita Black: My craving is so strong right now.

Melanie Moore: Collarbone. And I'm annoyed with myself.

Rita Black: And I'm annoyed with myself.

Melanie Moore: Under the eye. Forwanting it so much.

Rita Black: For wanting it so much.

Melanie Moore: Top of the head. I can feel myself eating it already.

Rita Black: I can feel myself eating it already.

Melanie Moore: Eyebrow point. And I'm recognizing this craving.

Rita Black: And I'm recognizing this craving.

Melanie Moore: Side of the eye. But maybe I could let at this craving go.

Rita Black: Maybe I can let this craving go.

Melanie Moore: Under the eye. Because it's just a feeling.

Rita Black: It's just a feeling.

Melanie Moore: Under the nose. This is just temporary.

Rita Black: This is just temporary.

Melanie Moore: Under the lip. This craving.

Rita Black: This craving.

Melanie Moore: Collarbone. Maybe I can let it go now.

Rita Black: Maybe I can let it go now.

Melanie Moore: Under the arm. Maybe I can release this craving.

Rita Black: Maybe I can release this craving.

Melanie Moore: Top of the head. Maybe I can make a better choice instead.

Rita Black: Maybe I can make a better choice instead.

Melanie Moore: I choose to let sorry, eyebrow. I choose to let go of this feeling.

Rita Black: I choose to let go of this feeling.

Melanie Moore: Side of the eye. I'm releasing this feeling now.

Rita Black: I'm releasing this feeling now.

Melanie Moore: Under the eye, I'm sending calming signals through my body.

Rita Black: I'm sending calming signals through my body.

Melanie Moore: Under the nose. I choose to relax.

Rita Black: I choose to relax.

Melanie Moore: Under the lip. I'm feeling more and more relaxed now

Rita Black: I'm feeling more and more relaxed now.

Melanie Moore: Collarbone. I'm feeling more empowered now.

Rita Black: I'm feeling more empowered now.

Melanie Moore: Under the arm. I am in control.

Rita Black: I am in control.

Melanie Moore: Top of the head. I have the power.

Rita Black: I have the power.

Melanie Moore: Eyebrow point. Not the sugar.

Rita Black: Not the sugar.

Melanie Moore: Side of the, side of the eye. Letting go of the power sugar has over me.

Rita Black: Letting go of the power sugar has over me.

Melanie Moore: Under the eye. I have the power.

Rita Black: I have the power.

Melanie Moore: Under the nose, and I choose to make a better choice.

Rita Black: And I choose to make better choice.

Melanie Moore: Under the lip. It feels good to make a better choice.

Rita Black: It feels good to make a better choice.

Melanie Moore: Collarbone. Maybe it's choosing a healthier snack.

Rita Black: Maybe it's choosing a healthier snack.

Melanie Moore: Under the arm. Maybe it's recognizing I'm not hungry at all.

Rita Black: Maybe it's recognizing I'm not hungry at all.

Melanie Moore: Top of the head. And maybe I can do a workout instead.

Rita Black: Maybe I can do a workout. Instead.

Melanie Moore: Eyebrow. Ot go for a walk.

Rita Black: Or go for a walk.

Melanie Moore: Side of the eye. I choose to make a better choice.

Rita Black: I choose to make a better choice.

Melanie Moore: Under the eye. And I feel really good about this better choice.

Rita Black: And I feel really good about this better choice.

Melanie Moore: Under the nose. I'm excited about the better choice.

Rita Black: I'm excited about the better choice.

Melanie Moore: Under the lip. I'm feeling proud of myself.

Rita Black: I'm feeling proud myself.

Melanie Moore: Collarbone. Allowing myself to make a choice,

Rita Black: allowing myself to make a choice.

Melanie Moore: Under the arm. A choice that's an act of self love.

Rita Black: A choice that is an act of self love .

Melanie Moore: Top of the head. A choice that is empowering for me.

Rita Black: A choice that is empowering for me.

Melanie Moore: Eyebrow. I choose to make a better choice.

Rita Black: I choose to make a better choice.

Melanie Moore: Side of the eye. Feeling calmer and calmer.

Rita Black: Feeling calmer and calmer.

Melanie Moore: Under the eye. Feeling more and more relaxed.

Rita Black: Feeling more and more relaxed.

Melanie Moore: Under the nose. Feeling at peace.

Rita Black: Feeling at peace.

Melanie Moore: Under the lip. I feel really good.

Rita Black: I feel really good.

Melanie Moore: Collarbone. I choose to make better choices.

Rita Black: I choose to make better choices.

Melanie Moore: Under the arm. I choose to make healthier choices.

Rita Black: I choose to make healthier choices.

Melanie Moore: Top of the head. I love that I can make better choices.

Rita Black: I love that I can make better choices.

Melanie Moore: Eyebrow. Feeling great about making better choices.

Rita Black: Feeling great about making better choices.

Melanie Moore: Side of the eye. I love making healthy choices.

Rita Black: I love making healthy choices.

Melanie Moore: Under the eye. Feeling more and more relaxed.

Rita Black: Feeling more and more relaxed.

Melanie Moore: Under the nose, feeling calmer and calmer.

Rita Black: Feeling calmer and calmer.

Melanie Moore: Under the lip. Feeling peaceful.

Rita Black: Feeling peaceful.

Melanie Moore: Collarbone. I feel great.

Rita Black: I feel great.

Melanie Moore: Under the arm. I feel empowered.

Rita Black: I feel empowered.

Melanie Moore: Top of the head. In body, mind and spirit.

Rita Black: In body, mind, and spirit.

Melanie Moore: Take a nice deep breath. Put your hands on your heart and exhale. Okay. How was that Rita?

Rita Black: Oh my God. I feel fantastic. And I didn't even want sugar. I feel like, but no honestly that, oh, you guys, I hope you did that with me. And if you don't, rewind and do that, because that was phenomenal and go and, and find Melanie on YouTube and watch whatever tapping. I, I have a rarely used tapping. It has a very hypnotic, I can see how it is where you're taking the brain through all of that. And it's so fantastic. It's like a waking self-hypnosis session, you know, that's what I would call that it's.

Melanie Moore: Yeah.

Rita Black: And, but by, by hitting all those points, you can really feel that energy in your body like opening up that channel.

Melanie Moore: It is. That's, that's exactly what you're doing because these are, as I said earlier, these are connected to Chinese Meridian points and, and you know, each of those points is related to, you know, different emotions. It's like hamster wheel thinking, it's fear, it's guilt, it's shame, it's trauma. And we have a lot of track trauma in our body as well. So by hitting each of those points, you're literally covering all the bases. Cause there's all many, all those emotions attached with, you know, eating guilt and shame and, you know, secret eating. So yeah, we are literally giving ourselves an energy workout as well.

Rita Black: Oh, s good. Now I could see that. That is definitely doing that for yourself as a skill you have to develop. And, do you, do you know what I mean? Like being able to do that, like you could do that, like you did it so beautifully. I could see you were just channeling and, and you did an amazing job.

Melanie Moore: I said, I, I don't, I can't script these. It's impossible almost.

Rita Black: No, I, that you're just really adept at tuning in and channeling whatever needs to be there. I could see somebody developing that skill, you know, for themselves, but would you recommend like if they were gonna do this for themselves on something, I mean, obviously they're gonna go watch your videos and get some more training but would they just start out very simply just like with the, the three prongs, like you were saying, like kind of accept the craving or what happened. Then begin to let go of the craving. Is that correct?

Melanie Moore: Absolutely.

Rita Black: And then the third step is reinstalling a new belief.

Melanie Moore: Exactly. So that is the recipe and the thing is it's free, you know, you can watch YouTube videos. It's not just me. There's plenty of other EFT practitioners.

Rita Black: Oh, don't be humble. You're great. You go watch Melanie and don't watch anybody else.

Melanie Moore: So, yeah. And, I often talk, there's, there's two ways that you can use tapping. One it's just like that it's, you know, it's like a bandaid or it's like a, a emotional, you know, cup of espresso. It's a quick hit, get instant result. But then when there are also times where it's gonna be a, a deeper story, you know, that something you want to rewrite, and this is where I recommend tapping with a, a script daily, 30, 60, maybe even 90 days to really rewire your neural pathways for that new belief. Because if you're just gonna tap on like money flows to me easily and effortlessly, it's like, yeah right. I don't believe that.

Rita Black: Right.

Melanie Moore: But if you can do that tapping every day for 68 days, and that's the thing, that's where people kind of like, you know, and it takes a dedicated person to be, you know, super consistent, with lasting change.

Rita Black: Yeah.

Melanie Moore: And, and I think this is when, you know, joining your community is, you know, you need that community support to,

Rita Black: Right. And you need somebody setting the bar for you and leading you through. Yes, absolutely. But I can see the power of this and the power of, like you were saying, like, not only like if somebody is infertile, if somebody had, or not, I shouldn't say they were infertile, but they were having trouble getting pregnant that it's like a opening and a bridge to something different. And, and

Melanie Moore: Obviously with deep rooted traumas and with working on, you know, something like fertility or with, you know, childhood abuse or, or trauma, I do recommend working with a qualified therapist cause sometimes it kind of unlocks things that you may need some additional support.

Rita Black: That's a very good point. Yes. So don't do this. Beware. You can do this at home, but don't go in open doors that you don't feel qualified to open by yourself.

Melanie Moore: Yeah. And some people say to me, oh, can you do a YouTube video for you know childhood abuse and that, no, no. That's not the sort of thing that you just wanna stumble across on YouTube because it, because you know, there's a lot of deeper healing and that's not what I specialize in by the way. So if anyone wants childhood, I, I don't do that.

Rita Black: Yes, no, you can tell you're great because you really are focused on certain things and you're not a Jack of all trades and I think that's important to, to refer people out to, you know, the right people who know it, who have specialized.

Melanie Moore: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, totally.

Rita Black: And you, you care so much about people. I love that about you and you really do care about making a change in the world. So I thank you. Is there anything else that, you know, here in the January of the new year, you know, the world is a, we're in a crazy place in the world, like, have you been doing any tapping with people for just like accepting where we are here on the planet, you know, and all

Melanie Moore: Fondly enough. I was just actually, you know, cause I do like to talk about, you know, goals and you know, what people, you know, you know, just the...

Rita Black: Melanie works with vision boards. This is what she's trying, but you do, right?

Melanie Moore: Yeah. Having a vision, but not just, not just vision boards, but having a vision for, you know, I call myself a big vision coach. It's having a vision for what you want your life to look like. But right now in these crazy times, it's like what you on a vision for the world to be like vision for humanity, vision for, you know, the world has changed unbelievably in the last two years and it's caused so much upset for a lot of people created so much division and confusion and you know, and I think without going into what people, beliefs on stuff, it's just like, we all wanna work together. We want to be united and you know, have a peaceful world. I think really, I think it's just harmony. And I think there is having a vision for how you want the world to be is a great thing to do. And but when we do work like tapping and we shift out energy system, it ripples out to everyone around us. So it does really help. You know, even if you just do 10-minute tapping, I'm feeling calm and peaceful, you're gonna affect your people in your household. You know, you'll interact with people differently. You will change the outcome of your day, just through starting your day with right. Today. This is my vision for today. That intention of the day and tap into it, journal in it or whatever, but just shift your energy so that you take that out into the world and affect people around you positively. And, and, and it always begins with us. Anything you want for anyone else or the world has to begin with you? So that piece of the world. You've gotta have yourself first.

Rita Black: Right. I love it. Well, we are gonna have you back towards June to work on some big visions. I think that will be our next exploration. I love that. Well, I love the time you spent with us. This has been so valuable. And, please, please, please go visit the show notes and find out how you can find out more about tapping and Melanie and what she's up to with all of her, you know, beautiful things she's doing out in the world. So thank you.

Melanie Moore: Thank you so much for having me.

Rita Black: Oh, it was lovely to have you.

Rita Black: Thanks for listening to the thin thinking podcast. Did that episode go by way too fast for you? If so, and do you want to dive deeper into the mindset of long-term weight release? Head on over to www.shiftweightmastery.com where you'll find numerous tools and resources to help you unlock your mind for permanent weight release, tips, strategies, and more, and be sure to check the show notes to learn more about my book From Fat to Thin Thinking: Unlock Your Mind For Permanent Weight Loss. and to learn how to subscribe to the podcast so that you never miss an episode.