This month I am celebrating 20 years of Shift Hypnosis–the business I started to help people use their minds to make big changes in their lives with the use of hypnosis.

I started this business with no prior business experience–especially with tech (I know those of you who are rolling their eyes). I nursed my little teeny baby daughter while reading business books and just trying to figure it out–taking a big risk! And I am so glad that I did.

I am so moved by the countless people who have allowed me to be a part of their journeys of weight mastery. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND LOVE along these two amazing decades.

My baby girl is now in college and the Shift is going strong with a worldwide community of people who believe in mindpower over willpower and loving ourselves down the scale.

Alone we Diet–TOGETHER WE SHIFT!! I believe it and in YOU with all my heart.

For the 82nd episode of Thin Thinking, join me as we celebrate Shift Weight Mastery’s 20th anniversary with some excerpts from interviews with 3 Shift Weight Mastery graduates, Janet, Julie, and Maureen, who have kept the weight they lost long term. I am talking 14 years, 9 years, and 6 years.

We will also be learning about their secrets on how they finally did it!


Doors are closing on your chance to join me for the Fall 2022 Shift Weight Mastery Process! I only lead this special hypnosis-based 30-day process twice a year–doors closing October 5th–no exceptions!!! Read more here–I would love for you to join us – lots of bonuses and support!


In This Episode, You'll Learn:

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Rita Black: Happy anniversary. This is Shift Weight Mastery's 20th anniversary, and I am so excited to share with you excerpts from interviews with three shift graduates who have kept the weight they lost long-term. I'm talking not just a few years, I'm talking 14 years, 9 years, and 6 years. And I just wanted to highlight for you some of their secrets to their success, the why and how they have kept their weight off for so long. Let's get under the lid of what it takes not only to release weight, but release it for the very last time. So grab some confetti and let's celebrate.

Rita Black: Did you know that our struggle with weight doesn't start with the food on your plate or get fixed in the gym. 80% of our weight struggle is mental. That's right. The key to unlocking long-term weight release and management begins in your mind. Hi there! I'm Rita black. I'm a clinical hypnotherapist weight loss expert, bestselling author, and the creator of the Shift Weight Mastery process. And not only have I helped thousands of people over the past 20 years achieve long-term weight mastery, I am also a former weight struggler, carb addict, and binge eater. And after two decades of failed diets and FAD weight loss programs, I lost 40 pounds with the help of hypnosis. Not only did I release all that weight, I have kept it off for 25 years. Enter the Thin Thinking podcast where you too will learn how to remove the mental roadblocks that keep you struggling. I'll give you the thin thinking tools, skills, and insights to help you develop the mindset you need, not only to achieve your ideal weight, but to stay there long-term and live your best life.

Rita Black: Hello, everybody, come on in. I am celebrating! In the September of 2022, I am celebrating two decades of being in business, which I am just, you know, I still - I'm pinching myself. I can't believe it. Time has flown by so fast. But yes, I am celebrating 20 years of my clinic doors being open for shift hypnosis. And I'm highlighting some interviews from students of the Shift Weight Mastery process who have kept their weight off long term. I think it's really amazing to hear where people are standing. It's not just what they have been doing to have that kind of success long-term, but who they are being, you know. This is what we're very much into here in the Shift Weight Mastery process is being, being masters of long-term permanent weight mastery.

Rita Black: So just a little backstory, you know, since I am celebrating, I started my hypnosis practice in 2002, and I had worked as a hypnotherapist before that for some other people, people for a company. And then I had somebody mentoring me, but I really, once I kind of got my, I guess, experience or you know, the ground beneath my feet, so to speak, I really was excited to head out on my own. And because I had a vision of how I wanted to help people release weight and how I really released weight and kept it off. So that was my mission and that has remained my mission, you know. I also help people stop smoking. So those are the only two things I really, really focus on because those are my passions. I stopped smoking with hypnosis. I lost 40 pounds and have kept it off for over 25 years with hypnosis. So, you know, hypnosis is my thing, but those two things are my deep love, my deep passion. To help people shift from smoker to non-smoker, shift from weight struggler to weight master.

Rita Black: And that's what I've spent my 20 years really, you know, becoming an expert, really getting in the trenches with people in that way, but it was really scary to start a business of my own. I had never really, I had owned a business previously, many years ago, sort of like a little catering business, but I really had never opened my doors and had a clinical practice. And so that was really scary, but my desire to make a difference, my desire to work with people in this different way outweighed any doubts or fears and my super supportive husband said, go for it honey. So I opened my doors and I remember this summer before I opened my business I was learning about owning a business. Like I said, there's especially, I'm here in California, so there's lots of things that you have to do, licenses to get and everything all lined up.

Rita Black: And I was reading this book and my daughter, I started my business when my daughter was less than one year old. And I remember laying on the bed in our bedroom and it was, it was like a July day and was it June? July? But I was laying on my bed reading this business book and she was sort of breastfeeding and maybe and TMI, but she was I mean I literally was, you know, taking her with me everywhere to get my business started. And so that one day I was just like laying in bed, breastfeeding her, and for those of you who know what it's like to get an infant to sleep you know, she was just dozing off and I was so scared, you know, I kept turning those pages of that business book because I was really engrossed in it. I really wanted to learn, but at the same time I didn't wanna wake her up. I just remember that so vividly. That was really one of those moments you never, ever forget that was just emblazed into my subconscious mind. So I thought I would share that with you. So yeah, I started with a little baby in my baby Bjorn. My husband and I went and painted my office. My daughter sat in her little baby bucket and I was winging it. You know, I was winging it as a business owner. I was winging it as a practitioner, but you know, I had learned from releasing 40 pounds and keeping them off. I'd been working with people, but I just, you know, and I didn't want to wait for things to be perfect. Right. I just wanted to go for it.

Rita Black: And I believed in myself enough to know that I would figure it out because I'll tell you, after taking 40 pounds off and keeping it off for a substantial period of time, I had already kept it off for a while and I was taking it off after having my daughter. I had lost that weight pretty quickly. That gave me a lot of confidence to go out and take risks in my life in other ways. And this is why I'm always telling clients, it's like when you have weight mastery, it gives you courage. It gives you confidence to go and do those things in your life maybe that you were, you know, holding back on. But I also encourage people to get going on those things before they even released their weight.

Rita Black: So in the first years I admit I was getting things down and in the beginning I had a different way of seeing people. I would see people for maybe six to eight weeks and these single sessions that I was really focused on. I had cassette tapes. I mean, this was the 2002. Can you believe we were using cassette tapes and CDs weren't really just were taking off. I started my business at the worst time because cassettes were going out, CDs were coming in and streaming hadn't even, you know, wasn't even a thought. I mean, I started my business without a computer. It was all very analog back then. And this was also, people were at in 2002 really suspicious of hypnosis. They, you know, they, I got this line all the time. Are you gonna make me bark like a dog? You know? That was like, okay. Yes, I'm no, I'm not gonna make you bark like a dog. Everybody asked me that and I understand hypnosis might seem wacky or crazy or voodoo, but it's just such a powerful way to use your subconscious mind.

Rita Black: But so some of the problems that I saw working with people in this like six to eight weeks trajectory was, you know, they would come to my office, we would work, we would do some hypnosis and off they would go and they would listen to their, their CD, but there was, or their cassette, but there was just, there was something with that format that just didn't work for me. Like I did, I, you know, I was helping people focus on weight loss and diet and exercise and that's all important. And I had learned from other people like this is the way you do it. This is how you help people lose weight with hypnosis. But I really felt like just focusing on diet and exercise wasn't enough. I really, really felt like the way I lost weight wasn't just about eating and exercise, but it was really about changing the way I communicated with myself.

Rita Black: So what would happen when I was seeing people in this format is, you know, people would commit in the beginning, but they would give up easily. They would let their life get in the way or they would let other things take priority over their journey, their weight loss. So they, you know, might get three weeks in and then they'd, you know, get sidetracked by their children or their job or something. And then they weren't able to stick with it long enough to really get the impact that hypnosis can have. I mean, it can have impact right away, but we really, for weight management, it - there are so many layers to weight management. It's a little different than stopping smoking. You can stop in one session. There's just so many layers in weight management. So it was frustrating like clients would be doing great, but then they would either give up on themselves or think, well, I've got this diet thing going. So they didn't think they need, you know, the deeper mindset piece. And they would let other things take priority in their lives. So that I had to think, I was like, how do I change this? How do I make it work more in line with what I know would be impactful? So I really believed what we needed was this deeper immersion. You know, the mind changes habit and can change a habit in 21 days. And I said, what if there's a, like a really deep impact, you know? Rocket launch way to immerse people in the mindset of weight mastery, the skillset of weight mastery that didn't take six or eight weeks, but that was a more short term, but more, more intense, you know? Daily ,getting a little bit every single day, just a little bit, not too much, but enough to make that impact much closer to the process I gone through.

Rita Black: But this was even more accelerated, just like a rocket launch over 30 days. And I, based on what I had learned, worked for me, talking to myself as an inner coach, rather than a critic and not just coming to see me in my office, but done through audio so that they could do it every day and they could get the right amount of coaching and the right amount of hypnosis every day, you know? The interesting thing was around this time, there was some research that came out about audio hypnosis being as impactful as in person hypnosis if it was done right. So I really was excited by this research and I then went to work on creating and layering in these hypnosis sessions that would build upon themselves over a 30-day process. Now I should have done this in the first place, you know, being completely transparent, but I didn't know, you know, and I didn't know. I was just trying to be the good girl, right?

Rita Black: Like I was trying to say, okay, well, everybody else is doing it like this, so I'm gonna do it like this too. But you know, I kind of thought, well, maybe, you know, I kind of thought that the model was more about money, you know, the six to eight weeks coming in and seeing somebody on that over that amount of time. It also gets expensive for people, honestly. So I also wanted something that was way less expensive that people could come and it could have an impact. So because one of the reasons I started my business wasn't just because I lost weight with hypnosis, but because my mom struggled so much with her weight. And whenever I thought about people, I thought about my mom, you know? I thought about like how she struggled and how she had such a hard time. I watched her growing up and that really did impact me. And I really did, you know, want to reach more people.

Rita Black: So that is how the 30-day Shift Weight Mastery process was born, you know? A course that gives you an immersion into the mindset and skillset that you need to release weight at a rate you decide and keep it off permanently and it's affordable. So that is what we have been using now successfully. That's been our mission all this time. And it's been such a privilege and honor to work with so many amazing clients and students, thousands of people over these 20 years. So many people's struggle, not just from a lack of knowledge about weight loss, you know. We all know how to lose weight, don't we? We struggle because we get stuck in these thinking patterns. It isn't about a lack of knowledge, but we are stuck in these patterns and beliefs and habits that are subconscious.

Rita Black: And when you address those, but when you really address those deeper beliefs and habits and thinking patterns, then you can really walk the path of weight mastery for the rest of our life. So I have gotten to walk with a lot of brave and powerful people with them on their paths. And nothing brings me more joy day in and day out. It is hard, I'll be honest with you. And it can be frustrating. But man, there is nothing more beautiful than watching people who have struggled with weight their whole lives finally get mentally and physically free from that. There is nothing, nothing more gratifying. So it has been one heck of 20 years and I am so glad that I took that risk. I'm so grateful to my husband for believing in me. I'm so grateful to my children for supporting me, my daughter when she was five and six and seven and really in that drawing phase. She drew all these pictures for shift of like healthy vegetables and fruits and stop smoking signs. She made me the sign, its like don't smoke, you know how little kids are. But it was so supportive and I had them in my office for the longest time until they kind of like wilted and fell apart.

Rita Black: So we are currently enrolling the live version of the online Shift Weight Mastery process. And I only do this twice a year. And the last day to enroll is October 5th, 2022. This is an online course with hypnosis and meditation and coaching to give you that rocket launch on your journey of weight mastery, and it can be done with the app. We now have an app that is has all the hypnosis and meditation and coaching. So it makes it really user friendly. Or if you're more of a tablet or desktop person, we have a course now that it's all online and really easy to use. There's seven days of preparation, and then there's the 30-day weight mastery process. And day one is starting October 14th with the preparation starting on the seventh. And with me, I will - so when I lead these, I'm not leading the day to day process, that's all already in the program. But what I'm doing is we have an online community that we have coaches who have been on the road before you, who have released weight. Many are maintaining their ideal weight. We also have me every week showing up for a Q and A and working on special things like emotional eating and night eating and carb mastery. We really do a deep dive into all of these things and there's an energy and a synergy to a number of people going through this course together.

Rita Black: Even if you aren't a group person, people really get caught up in it. It's a very contagious thing. And if you're somebody who needs momentum and who wants inspiration, it, there is something about this that's almost magical that people really just come together and just get so much advancement on their journeys. And so I really hope that you will consider joining us. So check out there's link in the shownotes to see if you can make it. There's a discount and bonuses, lots of good stuff. So please consider taking that first step. I can't take that for you. But once you take that first step, I will be on the other side, in the orientation video, there to guide you through.

Rita Black: So, okay. Now one of the best teachers is hearing from other people how they make things happen. So I thought, okay, I'm gonna pull some highlights from three interviews with three different weight masters, how they have maintained their weight. So I wanna start with Janet Stevens as she has now kept her 35 pounds plus off for almost 15 years. I mean, isn't that kind of amazing? She came to one of the very first shift processes when I put them all together. And I started with this seminar and had this 30-day process. And she came with her friend, Evelyn. Evelyn brought her because Evelyn had already released weight with me. I think she had already released about 30 pounds coming to see me individually, but she wanted to get in on the process. And she and Jan, so Jan released 35 pounds. Evelyn released, I believe 60? I mean, 60 pounds altogether and has kept that off for 17 years.

Rita Black: So, but this was back when the shift, like I said, was a seminar and the 30-day process, but it wasn't online because there really wasn't an online then. There wasn't streaming. But when Jan came to see me initially at the seminar, she was very hesitant. She really didn't believe in hypnosis, but she was willing to go along with it because of her friend. And she also was just so sick and tired of dieting, nothing working. She was willing at this point to try anything. Jan was also wanted to just be healthy so she could travel and stay active. So here is Jan talking about one of the first things I think is so important. And that thing is commitment. Really taking that, making that deep decision to not go on a diet, but to develop herself with a new skill set of weight mastery.

Janet Stevens: This is it. I have to do something. And I am committed. I'm gonna make - I'm paying this money. I'm gonna make this program work. And I had seen Evelyn have some success too, so that helped, you know, I, but like you talk about commitment is everything.

Rita Black: Yes.

Janet Stevens: You it's, it's your own commitment to the program. You decide you're gonna do it, but what's great about shift and it's your program that was different, I'm getting off the hypnosis thing is that like, you make it your own.

Rita Black: Yes.

Rita Black: You give us the skills. If you don't tell you have to count calories or you have to do this, or you have to exercise, you just say, these are the skills, this is the way it works.

Rita Black: Right. Exactly.

Janet Stevens: And like, like you said too, sometimes you don't do all the nine skills.

Rita Black: No.

Janet Stevens: You pick out the ones that work for you and as long as it's working for you.

Rita Black: Yeah. It works.

Janet Stevens: Yeah.

Rita Black: I think that's a really important for those of you who are listening, who may be new and don't know, you know, all about the Shift Weight Mastery process. It's based on the nine skills of weight mastery, which I didn't make up, but are really based on data research into what I would call the skillset of long-term permanent weight management. So what Janet's talking about is, you know, as with any skill you learn, you aren't always using all of the skills at the same time, but that you have ones that work, you know, like that you're focusing on or working the best for you. And I think the main challenge most people have with diets is that diets are sort of these things that you go on and you're either good or bad on them rather than really seeing really weight management as skill building which is what we focus on and using hypnosis as a way to get your mind, which might probably more than likely have resistance, have bad beliefs and habits to start to shift your beliefs and habits around that.

Rita Black: Right so when we commit, there is no going back. When we're just trying to lose weight, the brain really doesn't believe us. It's kind of like a kid seeing his parents saying no, but really not saying no. The brain doesn't take losing weight or the journey very seriously. I mean, haven't you noticed that when you double down and you are committed with a hundred percent of yourself, it isn't just what you're doing. It is who you are being. There is just no room for anything else in your mind, your mind is focused and you there's a power in that, that you don't get when you're trying. So trying to do anything I don't believe is very successful. At least in the years that I've been doing what I do over these 20 years, the people who get the success are the people who commit.

Rita Black: Okay. So now the next question for Janet is she shares one of her keys for maintaining weight.

Rita Black: You've gone through a lot, like you, I remember when you came into the shift, you were working and you were very social. Like I know you and your husband were traveling and I know you're still traveling. I know we had COVID so I know you weren't traveling last year, but like, that's what I think is such a testimonial to your shift in your weight maintenance is that you went through retirement, you traveled the world. You, you know, you've been very involved in a lot of different things. You're very social and you've managed to keep not 30 pounds off, but you were telling me like you you've released even more weight. So, and I'm sure people are dying to know, like, what, what are some, what do you think for like consistency and longevity with weight management, what are the things that you think have been the most helpful for you? Not just from shift, but just from your own life experience. Like if you were to say, what were the things that have made the difference then, like prior, before you embarked upon your weight mastery journey, what are the things that have been working the best for you?

Janet Stevens: I'm one of those - maybe, it's a lot of consistency. I'm a person who weighs myself every day and I, you know, try to stay the scientist and not get upset about it, but like, it helps me stay on track. Like I, that's, what gets me, I have problems on vacation - job every day. And I feel it makes me, it gives me a sense of control.

Rita Black: Right. So what you are saying, and this is, I'm just gonna stop and pause and say this for our listeners. What Janet is talking about is like, one of, it's not the - a skill of weight mastery, but what is a skill is staying on top of the facts. Right? And because I think a lot of people shy away from weighing themselves because, you know, getting on the scale can be an emotional experience especially if the news isn't good.

Janet Stevens: Sometimes, you know, I'm like, oh, my god!

Rita Black: But what we learned in the shift is that and again, this is, this has been consistent throughout all the data. People have managed their weight over time is weighing yourself. And I know there's a whole school thought of like, don't weigh yourself, throw away your skill and everything. But I think the difference is the way we weigh ourselves isn't from am I good? Or am I bad? Is my weight, does my weight say that I'm a good person or a bad person, but it's really more as a scientist because we really look at the science of weight release. And when you are in the driver's seat, then you have the control. So weighing yourself as part of this. So I love that. That has been part of your consistency piece.

Rita Black: Okay. So you can see that part of our strategy from a mindset perspective is to stay in science mode. So critical. We often run our weight loss from this place of emotions. Good or bad. Am I being good or am I bad? So using data as the studies show the long, the studies into long-term permanent weight mastery shows, helps because it keeps you centered in facts and learning.

Rita Black: Okay. So now here, Janet and I discuss trigger foods and how managing them is also a part of a long term journey.

Rita Black: Well, I think, I think the thing is that what you're talking about is you've created a way of eating that you own and that you love. Like, like I don't tell, I don't tell people stop eating bread, or I don't say people don't have desserts, but there another skill that again, across the board with people who have been successful is what we would call stimulus control. And that's what Janet is talking about is if it's a trigger for you, then why would you have that in your environment? Because you are always, your brain is always gonna be thinking about that food. You're always gonna have to have a, you're gonna have to be managing it in some way. If you don't have it in your environment, you don't have to manage it. And for a lot of people who do the shift, and I know you, they find out that certain carbohydrates make them hungrier, make them think about food more. And so it's not like you can't have bread, but they find that when they eat a lower carb diet, they aren't thinking about food anymore. They are able to eat fewer calories and not feel like they're missing out, but they can still have things like dessert and things that work for them when they make that work for themselves. So -

Janet Stevens: - they keep it out of the house. I will allow myself to have bread maybe when we go out once in a while. But I mean, like not the whole bed basket, but

Rita Black: Right.

Janet Stevens: It's, it's not in my house calling my name, you know?

Rita Black: Right. Yeah. I mean, like life's too short to be thinking and obsessing about food. You know, like, you know, walking by the cupboard and going, oh, should I eat that bread? Should I not? Should I have that treat? Should I not? There are plenty of things, like you said, that you can eat that you love, you can have in your house.

Rita Black: So you can see that there's a strategy that she has around eating something that she is owning, but it's not a diet, but she, what she has done. And I hope you heard from her speaking, she has just internalized what works and what doesn't work. And sometimes I really feel like what, knowing and internalizing what doesn't work is as an important, or if not more important than knowing what does work.

Rita Black: All right. Now, next, we're gonna talk about something you're going to hear in all three masters. The key to inter communication with long-term success.

Rita Black: I think that's another shift I wanted to ask you about is like the mindset piece, like you know, maintain your weight all these years. I know that you've kind of cultivated a powerful inner coach within yourself. You know, how did that, I guess, what would the question be that I would wanna ask about your inner coach, like over the years, over these 13 years, would you say that your inner coach relationship has stayed consistent? Or do you think it's gotten more powerful? Do you think, you know, you and your inner coach have become more the same person as you've gone along? Like, you know, I, in the beginning, you know, in shift, FYI, people who are not familiar with the program, you know, we really get you communicating more powerfully with yourself by cultivating this idea of an inner coach, this part of you that you learned to trust and respect that keeps you sort of on track. So your relationship with your inner coach, Janet, like how did that relationship evolve?

Janet Stevens: Actually, this is one of my favorite parts of -and just like an awakening, you know, you always feel, and you've heard about the inner child and all this stuff that you really woke it up for me. In the education that you did for in that first seminar. And I was so excited and thrilled to learn about the rebel, inner critic and, and, you know, I understood the concept you're starting to say about the inner coach. Yeah. Yeah. But what I learned is to integrate them all, they're all parts of me. And what I learned through shift is that I have to honor what that rebel wants. And I have to be grateful and thankful for what my critic is trying to do for me. Maybe not in a very nice way, but, you know, you taught us as our inner coach, how to deal with them

Rita Black: Right. To manage them.

Janet Stevens: Yeah. If the rebel's saying, I want that cookie and you're just like no, no, you can't have that cookie, you know? No, just shut up rebel. It's gonna nag at you. Rebel is not gonna shut up. But if you say, okay, I hear you, you, you want a cookie. Let's see how much of that cookie would you really need to have. And the, you taught us this. And I, it was just, so it feels to me like a miracle, you said, if you say, maybe will answer, well, maybe half and I'll be damned, you're satisfied with half.

Rita Black: Exactly.

Janet Stevens: The miracle is like, yeah. And that's what the inner coach does is like shows respect for what the rebel wants and say, you, you know, I just, I'm not gonna say no to you all the time, but let's just be reasonable, you know? And the same thing with the critic, and this was harder for me. But because I think I was more, my rebel was stronger, but my critic was there all the time, but I didn't really recognize it because I didn't know how to deal with it. And I thought, and it took me a long time and you taught us to say like you're taking care of me. I appreciate it. Cause you're looking out for me. But like I got this. It's okay.

Rita Black: Or maybe we don't need to go about it quite as extreme as you want. We can figure out a different way.

Janet Stevens: Right. And having that conversation, I feel like it's funny. It's like, I don't feel that my inner coach is even stronger than my rebel or my critic. We just all work together.

Rita Black: I love that.

Janet Stevens: We just all work together because you, you're not gonna just be your inner coach and those are gone. It's not gonna happen. You know?

Rita Black: I think the thing that for consistency for long term, I, I think what you're talking about is very key is like you are always gonna have a rebel. You are always gonna have a critic. Those voices don't go away, but you learn to manage them. And I think your inner coach really gets very good at one, recognizing those voices to being able it's like coming in and being a nanny for a family, you gotta learn the kids and what they want and they don't want, then you can -

Janet Stevens: Yeah. If, if I named my, this sounds funny. But if I named my inner coach anything, it would be the mom. Kind and loving mom.

Rita Black: Yes.

Janet Stevens: I mean that does a really good job. Not like the critic mom it's like, so the mom goes, tell me, what do you want? You know, I hear what you're saying.

Rita Black: So you can see how important learning to create that inner communication system is led by that inner coach. So Janet had some last words for us.

Janet Stevens: I remember when I first had lost my weight, I felt this is magic. But then I realized, no, I'm I'm working. It it's, but my mindset makes it easier. That makes it feel like magic, but it's then you come into problems. I'm like, oh, what the heck happened here? You know.

Rita Black: Well, I think, I think the distinction of what you're talking about, because I definitely think there it's a transformational journey and the transformation isn't about what you're doing, but it's about who you're being and that you're creating something rather than taking something away. I think the main thing with our fear about diets is like it's like, oh my gosh, you're taking away my food and you're taking away. And I think you're a creative person Janet and weight mastery is a creative journey cause you're always creating.

Janet Stevens: Well, the other thing for me is, well by the program, what sold me on your program in the beginning too, is permanent weight loss. That's what I was like. I, I am a great diet. I can lose weight. So easy, you know, the yoyo diet up and down, up and down, up and down. And I just, you know, because of the hypnosis, because of the mindset and everything, this is it, this is the last time I'm releasing weight. That's it, it's over, you know, I'm done with it, but you, like I said, you work it. But like I just feel it's never going. I'm never gonna gain all of it back. Right? Like I did many times in my life, you know, and I hated that and I hated that I was a yoyo diet, but one thing I will compliment myself on, I never gave up.

Rita Black: You kept going. And you know, they say like the people who are masters like yourself, a lot of them gain and lose over 250 pounds before they finally finally kick it into gear and, and get to that place.

Rita Black: Thank you, Janet so much. So you can see how she has been on this powerful journey. And did you hear how she has owned her success? She is never going back and you know what is so cool? Janet became licensed groove dance instructor in her late sixties, and now she's in her seventies and she is just this amazing healthy leader for others in her life and in her community. And that is, what's so beautiful, there's so many grudges of the shift who have gone off in their lives and have studied nutrition or have been coaches or just helping other people themselves just by the journey they've gone on, gave them that confidence to take the risk, to go out and make a difference in the world in the way they wanna make a difference.

Rita Black: So you can see she changed who she was and how she was thinking and the path of her life. I'm so proud of you, Janet. I love you. Okay. And now on to Julie. Julie released over 37 pounds, nearly seven years ago now, and Julie used to struggle. She had struggled for many years with yoyo dieting in the old starting over tomorrow syndrome. Now as a really busy mom of two, her struggles included, managing emotional, eating and stress eating. And she started the Shift Weight Mastery process and really saw that she had to ditch the diets and focus on making a lifestyle change, starting with her mind and moving out from there. I think that we usually do it the opposite ways, starting with the diet and trying to make the impact with the mind, but we've really gotta start with the mind first. And because she focused on her mindset and also changing her environment, her weight release became easier and has lasted all this time. So as we'll see too Julie learned to create and then lean in on her inner coach to create and keep her success.

Julie: Self coaching really I think is, is big for me.

Rita Black: Right.

Julie: And kind of talking myself out of making these, you know, quick decisions. I think what comes to mind is are you going to eat over this? I hear that a lot. I just, I get that from, but I know that's your line, but I, I use that, are you really gonna eat over this?

Rita Black: Right. Right. So what she's referring to is like a self coaching line. Like, am I going to eat over this? So like, if we have something happen to us, like we're off with somebody or we're something bad happens or something that would normally make us just impulsively go, oh, I need to comfort eat, or I need to eat over this. We start to protect ourselves. We start to say, well, am I going to eat over this? Cuz if I am, I need to kind of self correct my thought processes. So I don't need to eat over it and I can actually take care of it and keep the food separate from my emotional life. And that is, that is huge. And then I don't have to, and if we do eat something, go, okay, forgive myself. Not oh screw it, blew it.

Julie: Blew it. Right.

Rita Black: So I love that. And would you say that, that also then, because I'm assuming that that has translated into your being able to stay consistent these five years with your weight release?

Julie: Yes, absolutely. One other thing I wanted to mention was the whole idea of that. You know, we learn and shift that it's, it's not a diet. Because a diet, you know, you feel deprived you and you know, it's temporary. So I'll eat all, you know, diet, you eat the grapefruit, you know, all day.

Rita Black: You'll do whatever.

Julie: And then I'm gonna order a pizza when it's over. But, but when I look at this as more of a lifestyle change and you know, this is just how I have to eat or I, and now I wanna eat. I feel so much better eating that way.

Rita Black: Right. Yeah.

Julie: That, that, that has helped me a lot, but I don't see it as, you know, I'm gonna starve myself for a week and then binge.

Rita Black: Well, I think what you're talking about, and I think that was something that I wanted to point out to people, which I think is really important is that when we are struggling with our weight, we have a set of thought processes and habits that perpetuate themselves unconsciously. So we aren't even aware that they're going on. We're trying to be good, but all these other sort of factors are just very powerful underneath it. Then we go through a process and like what the shift weight mastery processes kind of brings everything to the forefront. We, we kind of get this awareness. We're not only aware, but now we're starting to get our power and be able to self coach ourselves through that. And now somewhere someone like you, Julie, who's been, you know, thoughtfully self coaching them yourselves. And, and just to kind of point out, I want you to assure people that I, I think the fear people have is like, I'm always gonna have to think about this as much as I do Like when I'm initially losing weight, like -

Rita Black: And what happens and what you are saying is that it becomes a way of life. And so it goes back into the unconscious, like obviously you're still focusing on things and, but you're focusing on things like, you know, you have to brush your teeth and you have to do the laundry. You know, we tend to our weight mastery like we would the other areas of our life, but it isn't this like super focused, but it is it's you've you took it out, you gotta wear, you made changes. And now a lot of what you do that allows you to perpetuate your staying at your ideal weight is your your mindset. But it's become a lot of what you've been doing has become unconscious again. But you know, in the right way.

Julie: Yeah. It's become a good habit

Rita Black: Now to take the weight off and maintain her weight, Julie also had to learn to have a different relationship with food.

Rita Black: You mentioned to me before I turned on the recording, some of the alterations you made in the way you eat over time, like, it wasn't just like, I, like you said, I'm not going on a diet, but you started implementing changes in some of the ways that you eat. So maybe could you share with some people, some of the dietary changes that you've made that have made a big difference for you?

Julie: Yeah it's so you know, I, I don't eat a lot of carbs, but I don't totally cut them out either because if I do, I feel too deprived.

Rita Black: Right. Yeah.

Julie: So, so I have what I like to think of as like smart carbs, you know? Good, good carbs

Rita Black: Like a term.

Julie: Yeah. And I, I try to eat kind of a clean diet for the most part, not a whole lot of processed foods. One thing I used to eat a cause I love, I love fruit and I, but I find I don't eat as much fruit as I used to because that, that was something I felt, you know, I don't know if you remember, but weight Watchers used to let you eat all the fruit you want -

Rita Black: Oh, of course. The points that you eat now, all the chicken you want and all the vegetables you want.

Julie: And, and it's crazy. And, and what I do too, is when I want, not that I don't eat fruit alone, but I try to pair it with a protein. So that I, so that I feel full because I often don't feel satisfied with just, you know, just a piece of fruit. Also -

Rita Black: Like you're talking about like, I'm just gonna point this out to other people who may not know this. I may, a lot of, you may know this, but what Julie's doing is slowing down the absorption of like she's changing the glycemic load of, I mean like, and we don't get into super glycemic load stuff, but I'm just saying like, when you eat a fruit, sometimes what will happen is it will spike your blood sugar and it will make you feel hungrier often than more than satisfying your hunger. Right. You might eat an apple, but then you might feel hungry an hour later. But if you eat that apple with like a little bit of peanut butter or a piece of cheese or something, then that's slowing down your body's absorption of the sugar. And, and so that, and then also adding in that stabilization from the protein, I think you were saying, you, you, you're eating more protein in your diet and, and protein is certainly something.

Rita Black: Even if you're a vegan, you probably understand that when you're eating a good quality protein, that it stabilizes your hunger. And I think a lot of times when we're out in that outta control eating, our, we're eating way more carbohydrates, which is just stimulating a part of our brain that makes us feel insatiable. And we think it's our fault, but it's not. It's just that we're turning on our brain chemistry to want to eat more and feel more hungry. And I think that was something that you found out in your journey that, you know, eating more protein and being tuning in, like you were just, you started to notice, you could hear what Julie said was I was eating fruit. Then I learned that when I ate fruit, maybe it was better to eat protein. And that was some, a self discovery that she made. And I think when you discover those things too, just by tuning in and getting present, like you said, like being present to your body, you get that lesson more than if you're on a diet and just being good.

Rita Black: Julie gives some powerful advice here about how to approach the journey to weight mastery.

Rita Black: What, what would be something that you would say to somebody just starting out on their journey? Like any words of wisdom or inspiration, like when, if you remember back where you were like, what would you wanna tell the Julie five years ago? Their journey?

Julie: Yeah. Well, you know, it's, it's like you said, it, it doesn't happen overnight.

Rita Black: Right.

Julie: And you have to be, be patient with yourself and be, be kind to yourself. And, and what helps me is, you know, early on I thought, oh, I've got, you know, I've got 40 whatever pounds to lose. I found that very overwhelming.

Rita Black: Right.

Julie: So breaking it down to like a five or 10 pound goal where I know I have this long term goal of 40 you know, saying, okay, let, let's do five, you know, that's yes, yes. I mean the big goal, but then the milestones, like, oh, let's see if I can get down five and then, you know, we're not gonna reward, I didn't reward myself with food. Like I normally would have, but maybe, maybe something else, you know? Like a pair of earings or -

Rita Black: Right. And it's important to know that this journey I think, is really fulfilling. Like I think, I don't think people because we're so used to struggling and beating ourselves up and we think of weight loss as such a not fun process. But I think when you're what I want people to understand, and I think that you are kind of enlightening them to Julie, is that it can be something very creative that you own, that this is a journey with yourself. And it isn't just about weight release, but it's about the, like, it's a love story with yourself because you're really, you're building confidence. You're building trust in yourself because when you do what you say, you're gonna do, like you, you said like, I'm gonna take this slow. I'm not gonna, but I'm gonna, you know, head down the scale a little bit at a time. And you're able to do that. You build confidence, you build self respect, you, and all of those things just build upon themselves with compounded interest till you have some, you know, you, you looked, you're like, wow, it's been five years and I've kept my weight off. And that's amazing. How did that feel having that length of success for you?

Julie: Yeah, it's it, it definitely builds confidence and, you know, I, I sometimes forget about it. Wow. Five years ago I was a di - you know, different person. And I have to say, I feel so much better. I have so much more energy and it's just a really great thing that, you know, I'm real, I'm proud of myself that I did this.

Rita Black: You should be. Yeah.

Julie: For me. And, and I have two daughters as, as you know, that, you know, I'm setting a good example for, and

Rita Black: Oh, absolutely.

Julie: I'm yeah. I'm proud of that.

Rita Black: Isn't that wonderful. Thank you so much, Julie. Again, that was such a great interview. She was so vulnerable and shared so much. I'm really proud of you, Julie. And it's been so amazing to not only see your journey and to see how you've changed and become more confident out in the world, but just to blossom as a human being. It's just been really great to be a part of that.

Rita Black: Last but not least is Maureen. She has released 40 pounds and kept them off for almost 10 years. Maureen came to shift with a cane, walking with a cane because walking had caused her so much pain, but Maureen shifted her mindset and turned her life around, getting into exercise, especially hiking. And now she loves her slim and strong body. During these 10 years, Maurine went through a lot of life changes, including just retiring, but she has managed to keep the weight off and used her powerful, inner communication skills and not only for weight management, but to keep her sanity through some pretty tough times. So here what she has to say about committing and self respect that comes from shifting.

Maureen: I, I guess the, the main thing was the big C word for me is control. Like I just felt like I was finally taking control of my life. I was, I was taking control of my relationship with food, for sure. But also my alcohol use, my work habits, my relationships.

Rita Black: Yeah.

Maureen: And it was just basically it. Yeah, it -

Rita Black: Yeah. Because I think the process and not just the process, but you were at a place and I think people get to a place where they have to sit in the fact that this is for them and this isn't about looking great. Like you could and eventually look great in a bikini, but it's not about the superficial stuff. It's really about coming home to yourself and really, and, and people are floored when they start, you know, because the Shift Weight Mastery process, correct me if I'm wrong, Maureen, but it's really about communicating with yourself in a different way.

Maureen: Oh totally. It it's like you're, you're forced to look deep inside.

Rita Black: Yeah.

Maureen: There was no way around, you know, that was it. It was like do or die.

Rita Black: And, and, and connect with this powerful part of you that can manage your weight for the rest of your life. Like you, everybody has that part in them, but they just don't aren't in tune with it and tapped into it. And, but what I don't think you recognized and you did. And I think people don't recognize and they're always shocked by is when they start doing this kind of work and using this, their minds in a different way, different things in their life change. It's not just their weight, it's their finances. It's their relationships. It's because you are, you respect yourself finally.

Maureen: That's exactly it. It's exactly it. It's totally more than the weight. I mean, it definitely felt better to look better but even that, even that like looking better to yourself makes you like, you know what, I, I, I am a better person, you know? Like I I'm better than the way other people might treat me. I'm better than the way I've been treating myself. You know, it's like, it really makes you look at your worth, your self worth.

Rita Black: Yes, absolutely. And I think you've grown so much in this time and you've made such, you've really put yourself first in so many ways in your life. It's been beautiful to observe and, and it, all of it hasn't been easy. Of course it's been tough, but I think when you start to do that, just the power you get from that is it makes it worth it.

Maureen: Completely.

Rita Black: Now here, Maureen also talks a little bit about developing her relationship with her inner coach.

Rita Black: Well, tell us about developing your inner coach, because that's a lot of this shift too, is really developing that powerful voice within yourself. Like how your coach, your critic, your rebel, like tell us how that your inner coach has developed over your weight mastery journey.

Maureen: Well, I could tell you all about my critic. I am my number one critic.

Rita Black: Well, so how's your coach helped you tamed -

Maureen: And the coach - right. Exactly. Because it's like, well, I didn't even know I had a coach, but actually there, yeah. It's like, well, you've got that rebel who, you know,

Rita Black: Wants what they want when they wanted

Maureen: - rebel who will just do whatever. And also my, my drinking did not helped my rebel, helped my rebel just fine. But so once I was able to control that I was able to control my rebel more. But between my rebel and my critic and me being the worst of the critics there could possibly be my coach, I it's like, oh, I actually had someone in my life inside of me who could be rational and think, and, and like pull things together and be more like a science, like, well, let's look at what happened rather than being mean to myself. It's like, what happened to you? What, what were you thinking? What happened? How can you avoid that next time? And it was more like someone with a heart who, who was like, Hey, be kind to yourself. Yeah. You've messed up. It's okay. Whatever. Just, and, and let's look at why and how can you avoid that next time. And like being able to talk to myself like that instead of like always in a very, not nice way to myself.

Rita Black: Yes.

Maureen: It was. It was,

Rita Black: I mean, that's, it was

Maureen: Liberating.

Rita Black: Well, it is. And I think when you start talking to yourself like that and add truly advocating for yourself, with yourself, meaning against your critic, like saying, wait a minute, hold on. Back off. Right. You're like, I've got this here. Let me my, my brother visited me the other day and this so reminded me of the critic and the inner coach, but my sister-in-law has been going to therapy and she's learned some new tools. She has a, and her mom's amazing. Her mom is a lovely lady, but she tends to be a little, like get into situation. And her mom's almost, she's 86, 87, and her father is 87. They don't live together in they're very frail. But anyway, he fell down. She, the mother came in and she just started yelling at him like, like, like, why don't you have this? You don't have your medical insurance. And my sister-in-law stepped in and go, mom, you can take a break now I'm gonna talk to dad. I've got this. And it was so much like somebody talking to the inner coach -

Maureen: Oh that's the coach.

Rita Black: You can take a break now, critic because I've got this and I'm gonna talk to Maureen or I'm gonna talk to Rita and we're gonna figure it out. And we're gonna, we've got a better way forward. And when you have that, like that little superhero come in to the scene and stand up for you, you know, you're willing to take risks in life that you weren't prior, willing to take because you're, you know, when you think you're gonna just beat yourself up because you did something wrong. Well, how apt are you going to be to take a risk? Of course you're not. But if you know, like, okay, worst case scenario is like, it doesn't go well, but I'll still love myself. And you know, and I'll learn something new, you know, who knows it might

Maureen: Exactly. It's like, well, what's the worst that can happen. Like, okay, well here we are new day be kind to yourself today. And what did you yesterday?

Rita Black: Yeah. You learn something. So what's so wrong with that. Yeah. So well good. That was such a great description of the inner coach Maurin. Thank you for that.

Rita Black: So are you beginning to see how all of these masters developed that inner communication system and have been keeping it going? This has been instrumental for their success. They didn't just use it while they were releasing the weight, but I believe we continue to cultivate and deepen that relationship with that powerful inner coach. Now you probably have parts of your life that you feel really confident in. And my guess is the way that you communicate with yourself in that area of your life is deep and rich and, and far more better communications than in the area of weight, if you are currently struggling. So you can shift some of that power that you have in those other areas and start to learn from the way you communicate there and start to really transition into a more respectful, connected way of communicating with yourself.

Rita Black: So now Maureen is gonna talk a little bit about the three CS that have kept her maintaining her weight through ups and downs on the scale.

Maureen: It's not just about the weight release.

Rita Black: It isn't and I know it's frustrating sometimes. And those of you, you, those of you who are out there and you're like struggling right now, like you're on a plateau or you're like, Ugh, this is, but you know, you have to remember that this is really a relationship with it is a hero's journey. It really is a hero's journey. And the hero sometimes goes through tough times and, but you get to the other side and you learn and you look back and you see, I did that. I got that. I own that. So having said that Marine, because you're now, you know, nine years into this, how is the journey now? How is like maintaining your weight? How is, you know, all of that? How is your day to day life now? Like, is that a lot easier now than it was when you were, you know, on your way down the scale?

Maureen: It's somewhat easier because I already am down the scale, but I, when it, when the scale starts giving me numbers, I don't want, you know, it stresses me out, but I just, I just have to have faith. And I have to the, the number one, well, I have these three CS that I, I always go to whenever I'm like on the edge, it's like commitment, consistence, and courage. Because it does, it takes a lot of courage to, you know, put aside your immediate wants and you know,

Rita Black: Doubts.

Maureen: It's not what you need. It's what you want. You know, just put that aside for a moment and find something else, you know? That, that you enjoy. Or like like if I'm really like dying at night, like I'm so hungry and I just want to eat something and whatever ridiculous thing I'm telling myself, because I'm not hungry. I just had dinner. I'll make a pot of, you know, herbal tea, and that's really filling.

Rita Black: Yeah.

Maureen: You know, like you just have to, you know, you have a ton of tools. You, you have all these tools that you can use.

Rita Black: Well, and you developed skills. Like, I mean, I think that's the thing is like you've got a skill set that if you know that if you like, I would imagine nine years in, you know, okay. You don't like the numbers on the scale, but you also know I can take 'em off. And I know how.

Maureen: I trust the process. I trust the process and I've made a commitment and I'm, you know, it's like, I can't make myself a promise and then not, then not follow through just as if I were doing it for someone else, you know, it's like, I promise you, I'm gonna do this for you. And then back out, you just don't do that. So, I don't wanna back out for myself.

Rita Black: Well, and, and so you were saying earlier, cause I think it's helpful for people to know that, you know, you aren't depriving yourself, like you created a way of eating that you love. That allows you to live at your ideal weight. I mean, and that's quite an accomplishment.

Maureen: Yes, it is. It is. One of the ways I do that is I'll like I'll plan for something that like, I know, oh, I'm gonna be having friends this weekend. I can't wait. And because I have like drastically cut back on drinking alcohol, I will only drink if people are there and I will only have one or two glasses. And so I plan for that, I plan for the food I'm gonna cook and it's like, okay, then what am I gonna do these days that I can save up in my fuel tank? So I'll have enough calories for that night. Yeah. So I do a lot of planning because I don't wanna deprive myself of being with my friends and enjoying myself. And you know, it's like, no, I'm not gonna say, oh, you guys get to eat that dessert. And I don't, even though I made it for you

Rita Black: Hell no.

Maureen: No!

Rita Black: I enjoy that dessert.

Maureen: So yeah.

Rita Black: That is so cool. So an exciting thing is that our dear Maureen will be a coach for the fall 2022 shift along with others who, other coaches who have been keeping their weight off or are farther along on their weight journey. And here, Maureen will share with you a little bit about being a coach, not just in the shift, but for other people in her life.

Rita Black: I, I know you've inspired others. You've inspired your sister, your friends. What, what do you like about coaching others? Like what do you get out of that?

Maureen: Well, actually I feel more inspired by them than I, than I feel like I inspire, you know, it's the other way around. I can see the way they feel at first. It's like I've been there, done that and I, and so I can sympathize, totally sympathize. I it's like, I totally hear you. What's another, what's another thing you might try so that this doesn't happen, you know? But just seeing what people are capable of always inspires me. And every time I coach, it's like, I've recommitted, you know, because I, coaching is really for me, I'm sorry. I'm, I'm gonna be really selfish here. I love coaching because it gets me to talk about, you know, myself and hear about them and their struggles and how to get around them. A lot of problem solving. It's that coach. It's the inner coach, you know, being the rational, scientific but heartfelt person, you know, inside of yourself that you keep trying to tap into.

Rita Black: Yeah. I love that about the shift weight mastery process too, that when you are going through it and people are, you know, the, what we call newbies are going through it and starting for the, you know, like they're introduced to these concepts and the, the skills and all that. I'm so moved by their their people when they get their own power and they really start to like connect to that. It's incredibly moving and it inspires me too. I that's why I feel like I'm still in the game is because of all the other people who, you know, we have this motto, alone we diet together. We shift. It's like we, you know, people get to see, you know, one, that they're not alone, that there's other people like stuck in the same struggle, but that we're all really capable of being much bigger and bolder and braver than we think we are. And, and it helps to do it together. So thank you for that.

Rita Black: And last but not least, Maureen also had some inspiring last words.

Maureen: No, one's gonna do it for you. You're you're, you're the only one in charge. You're the one in charge and you're powerful. It's, it's hard to come to that belief, but it takes, and I said this earlier that it takes commitment, you know, so you really have to make a promise to yourself. You have to commit to yourself. And just as if you had made a commitment to someone else, you know, it's like, you wouldn't let them down so you can't let yourself down, and be consistent about it. And be courageous. My three CS. Commitment, consistence, and being courage and just trust, trust yourself. Be good to yourself. Don't beat yourself up. I don't know what else to say that. I mean, these are all the things. Those are, I'm always telling myself, you know.

Rita Black: I love it, Maureen. Those are wise words.

Rita Black: Fantastic. Thank you so much, Maureen. Again, like with Janet and with Julie, it has been such an honor to know you and to see you every step along the way on your journey, go through all these different stages of your weight mastery journey and rise to the occasion and stay strong and stay mentally focused. You are such a, a leader in so many ways, not just not just in the shift, but in the classroom, such a powerful teacher. So thank you for bringing your sunshine to the Shift Weight Mastery process, your own special blend of Maureen magic.

Rita Black: So as you can see everybody that there's really some, if we had to streamline what we've heard here today, we've heard a lot of different things, but you can see how these people are standing in a commitment. It's a deep decision, not just to release weight, but to change their lives long term. And to stand in that, to keep going, to have grit, to be resilient. It isn't just this short term thing. It is really a commitment and a journey and a relationship that you're cultivating with yourself.

Rita Black: And then, then the second thing I would say is that they've really committed to developing themselves, developing the skills of weight mastery, especially those mindset skills of inner communication. You can see how important inner communication is to long-term success. And then the last thing I would say that all three of these powerful women have done is made it their own. You know, this isn't I don't hand out any diets. I don't say do it this way, do it that way. I am just using the, the SI the data, the, the studies of long term, permanent weight mastery, and saying here, this is what the, you know, people have done for years and years and years.

Rita Black: And let's take these, let's use our mindset. Let's shift our mindset. Let's develop ourselves in the skills of weight mastery and and magic occurs. Not because the process is magic, but when people bring commitment, when people bring an open mind and an open heart, and they commit themselves that they're, and they allow their mind to be open for change. And they make those changes. That is what is magic. The human mind is magic. And when a committed human mind is focused, nothing more powerful. So now the shift weight mastery process is now enrolling the online process. It is over 30 days, it uses hypnosis and coaching to get a deeper impact. And like I said, the brain gets stuck and it needs a deep rocket lunch sometimes haven't you ever said, God, I just need to blast my brain.

Rita Black: Well, this is the brain blast. This process, is it along with the support from me, the love, the nurturing from me and the coaches in the Facebook group, the live Q and A, meetings along the way. And we're also gonna be doing a special workshop called carb savvy, which is really about changing your relationship with carbs and food in general, so that, you know, you, food either has power for you, or you have power over it. And you really, this workshop really gets into shifting that power game and having you be the master of sugar and carbs. It's not about not having those things, but it's having a powerful relationship with them where you are the one that is in control. I think that this process is a really great process for those of you who are, who say to yourself, I want something better for myself in my life, and I'm not just in it for weight, but to transform my life from the inside out.

Rita Black: So the link for more information about the program and the enrollment are in the show notes. There is a discount there's a hundred dollars off and there's hundreds of dollars worth of bonuses. So thanks again anyone and everyone who has been on this journey with me, I wanna thank and give out special love to some of those first shifters. Mickey Murphy was one of the first people who stepped up and said, how can I help you? And she helped me with marketing. Mark Shop also was helpful, so helpful with me. Deborah T, who is no longer with us in this planet, who has moved on to heaven was so loving. And so many of you who were there with me in the early days believing in me and believing in the process and I, they, you guys all truly you know, gave birth to what I like to say is our slogan, which is alone we diet together we shift.

Rita Black: There's magic in numbers. There's magic in the collective working together on a powerful journey, removing the shame, removing all the limiting beliefs and self-criticism, moving powerfully forward with support, a belief, and knowing that you've got this, that you have everything within you to be successful at long-term permanent weight mastery you just got to unlock it within yourself. So thank you to everybody who's been helpful. And, and, and who's been with us on this journey along the way. It's not just me. It is together. We are community that create that and thank you and thinking community for being here as well. So everybody have an amazing week. I look forward to the next 20 years continuing to move forward with shift in so many ways, I have so many plans, so stay tuned. Have an amazing week and remember that the key and probably the only key to unlocking the door, the weight struggle is inside you. So keep listening and find it. Happy anniversary. Thank you for celebrating with me. And I will see you next week.

Rita Black: Do you wanna dive deeper into the mindset of long term weight release? Head on over to www shift weight That's www shift weight, where you'll find numerous tools and resources to help you unlock your mind for permanent weight release tips, strategies, and more, and be sure to check the show notes, to learn more about my book From Fat to Thin Thinking, Unlock Your Mind for Permanent Weight Loss.